Imperator - Ancient Rage Lyrics

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Artist: Imperator
Song Title: Ancient Rage
Visits: 690
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The Gods of the stars are seven
Their have their seven gates
They are approached by seven seals
And seven material essences

The Zonei

The seven deadly sins
The curse of seven oaths
The fear and seven names
The pride of seven Gods

For time is short and mankind doesn't know
Nor understand the evil that awaits
From every side, from every open gate,
From every broken barrier by mindless acolyte

I learned of the frightful beings who dwell
Beyond the astral spirits who keep the entrance
To the temple of the lost of the ancient of days
The ancient of the Ancient Ones, whose names I cannot
say now

I have heard the winds of doom
And I have felt the breath of unreal horror
I have retained in memory
Impossibilities in their reality
I have seen the glimmer of utmost truth
In that wilderness of madness
I came to understand many things
Of which before I had no knowledge
But after thousand moons of journey
My fate is no longer writ in the stars
And now I predict fear for your flesh
But fear for your spirit more

I've spoken with all manners of spirits
Whose shadows are deep in beyond
I've talked to some kinds of deamons
Whose names are no longer known
I've walked the unknown lands
That no map has ever charted
I've seen the stone monuments
Of vanquished civilizations

The habitation of men are seen and surveyed
By that ancient race of Gods from a time before time
And I know they seek revenge for that forgotten fight
Somewhere in time and space, beyond the streams of
Oh, in the days before the creation of man
When the Elder Gods walked their celestial spheres
There was a time when the gate to the out

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Other Imperator song Lyrics
  • Abhorrence
    "I am before all Gods
    I am before all days
    I am before all men and legend of men
    I am before all kings..."
  • Defunct Dimension
    "Ancient place, former time
    Alien sphere, nameless fight
    Ia Azag Zu
    Ia Azag Ag..."
  • Eternal Might
    "Magabathi-Ya Nanna Kanpa!
    Ia Athzothtu! Ia Angaku! Ia Zi Nebo!
    Rabbmi Lo-Yak Zi Ishtari Kanpa!
    Zi Shta! Zi Daraku! Zi Belurduk!..."
  • External Extinction
    "Lammashta - the sword that splits the flesh
    Ishtar - concelebration of sin and wrath
    I was awakened by the howl of a dog
    I could not move or speak for the fear..."
  • Love Is The Law (Love Under Will)
    "But what is right?
    For nothing is wrong and nothing against
    The virtues of liars, the vices of saints
    No truths divine, no serious reply..."
  • Necronomicon
    "The diary of insanity, the implacable call
    Thrown into oblivion, thremendous revolt
    Despair's testimony of the servent of the Gods
    The lair of the aversion and of the upcoming force..."
  • Persecutor
    "Aggresion is what I am - my hatred
    Cruelty is inside of me - my duty
    Curse is the reason of your endless anguish
    My justice is what let me to pass the sentence..."
  • The Rest Is Silence
    "The tide of advancing humanity has changed the world
    False wisdom of conspicuous reality has driven me mad
    Mythical beings of all sorts and kinds are flying
  • ...Show All

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