Impiety - Christfuckingchrist Lyrics

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Artist: Impiety
Song Title: Christfuckingchrist
Visits: 584
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Legions of fury
Open fire
Demonic hatred
Infernal desire
Crushing, fucking, killing, destroying
Comes the necro genocidal wrath
Tearing wings off angels
Beheading the holy son
Blasphemies profoundly piercing
Through the heart
Daemonic hordes march grim and proud
Weilding high bloodied blades
Unveil the kommand to slay and kill
Kill for kommand!
Hordes of god, you've fought to die
Arranging corpses upon my altar
Unhallowed offering to exalted one

Descending blasphemous deliverance, in the sign of the aftermath...
The conquering
Hell's bestial warfare

I am the beast, that revolves round your soul
Every creation and man must die
Heavenly realms crushed by fire and stone
Armed and ready to launch the attack
Writhing angels wingless they fall
I grimly smile slaying one by one
Summoned wardaemons deliver all blows
Devouring all in sight and around

Damnation rides burning shadows
We invert your hordes and crush your feeble
Hordes of god, you'll only die
Arranging corpses upon my altar, an eternal offering
To exalted one...
Abominate, eternal war and hate
A vision so twisted and uncontrolled
Into a reality, my legions fight
End now... this fucking cunt who lied and envisioned a promised hell
We drink his blood and stand, invicible
Tyrants of death
The end
Your dead lord was a whore

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  • Skullfucked - The Speed Metal Hell
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    Forever WAR!
    Raging sounds that blast with speed and might..."
  • Torment in Fire
    "Call of the witchingmoon
    Black massacre, destructive hellforce
    I voice out from thy grave
    Ripping evil, sodom's tales..."
  • Abominate Fornicate Desecrate!
    "Battles, raging ferocious
    Slaughters, cruel and cold
    Decapitation of false messiahs
    Ceremonial fornication..."
  • Apokalyptik Nuklear Battlebeasts
    "We storm through whirlwinds of hate
    Vengeance arise
    Gladiators of nuklear warfare
    Volcanic wrath..."

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