In the Woods - 299 796 km/s Lyrics

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Artist: In the Woods
In the Woods Author
Song Title: 299 796 km/s
Visits: 607
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Not long ago-in mind-
we picked our choice
and we gathered together
-greeted nature by storm
our bodies layed down
as we fell...
And our faces turned
away from the earth
we trembled into the
world of dreams
The cradle of imagination

Our knowledge was complete
all our needs fulfilled
we could not feel
a fairytale so unreal for adventures like me and you being nothing but
shadows of our mortal selves I a way, I perceive myself as my own god my
own master and my own slave I am but a thrall towards my own desires Just
when it all seems so hopelessly to break free from what I have done I will
try, do it all over again, and flow
with the waves like the
sun I draw parallels
between intuitions and
instincts I carried since
dawn when dusk
comes, I would like
to see I was wrong,
though I still am a
thrall towards my own

oceans of infinity...
-one shall seldom witness
such forces in motion
one shall seldom take
their part
-we join and we
breath genesis and
whatever that happened as
we came along
-for we stepped into
what we had remembered
as the world of dreams
-the source of imagination

we crawled out from
our drunken sleep,
though we could not understand
from heaven to hell

one shall seldom
witness such forces
in motion
one shall seldom
take their part
we joined and breathed
genesis and revelation
whatever that happened

like an infant still
crawling in it's mother's
womb A jesus christ
whom never left..

Not long ago, in mind,
we picked our choice
-gathered together and
greeted nature by sto

299 796 km/s Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other In the Woods song Lyrics
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  • Karmakosmik
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    I Never heard
    A word that lie in..."
  • Epitaph
    "The wall on which the prophets wrote
    Is cracking at the seams.
    Upon the instruments if death
    The sunlight brightly gleams...."
  • Empty Room
    "An empty room
    What are we living for
    It is for you
    It is for me..."
  • Let There Be More Light
    "Far, far, far away - way
    People heard him say - say
    I will find a way - way
    There will come a day - day..."
  • Child Of Universal Tongue
    "It's so strange, and yet so simple
    Written on a piece of paper aeons ago
    And in years to come,
    I will be someone else..."
  • White Rabbit
    "One pill makes you larger
    Arid one pill makes you small
    The ones that mother gives you
    Don't so anything at all..."

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