In the Woods - Dead Mans Creek Lyrics

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Artist: In the Woods
In the Woods Author
Album: Strange In Stereo (1999)
In the Woods - Strange In Stereo Album
Song Title: Dead Mans Creek
Genre: Metal: Gothic
Visits: 571
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We've got electric light - electric sight
Electric mother river
You float on down from town to town where they
Think they are in a certain charge
Moody angels and a little tree-goat
- We might even try and we might even float
Far up in the sky where mother Sun put her rays
We can see the garden flow with its electric face
And the knowledge we gained from clouds
Gone insane is the rhythm of the ol' triangle
To gather up some rain
C'mon, the river rape them
- Slaves of the moon
And the monster will turn up in the end
To settle down next June

So, why do they strive across their stream of lies
For they might turn vital, mean and wild
And we'll turn them into matchsticks that'll burn
Them 'till they die

I will leave far tonight You'd better find another
Clown for your circus to feed our common enlightenment...
Through and through

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  • Epitaph
    "The wall on which the prophets wrote
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  • Empty Room
    "An empty room
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  • Let There Be More Light
    "Far, far, far away - way
    People heard him say - say
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    There will come a day - day..."
  • Child Of Universal Tongue
    "It's so strange, and yet so simple
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    And in years to come,
    I will be someone else..."
  • White Rabbit
    "One pill makes you larger
    Arid one pill makes you small
    The ones that mother gives you
    Don't so anything at all..."
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