In the Woods - Post Lyrics

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Artist: In the Woods
In the Woods Author
Song Title: Post
Visits: 653
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These eyes, did I die behind these
cold blue eyes? Did I know where to go?
This light, eclipsed in a worn disguise
did glow even though my cries were driven by
those echoed lies No where to roam
Open my eyes, enlightened the child that
whispered bardo omnio

Let me belong, eat my raw, stick me empty with
your hungry claws-bring me light
can you feel the tension burning?
The soundtrack of our lives,
on an early April morning,
may be able to re-define
the standards of this restless emptiness...

Carved out of velvet, draped in truth - to reach omnio
Let me be strong, let me draw all the lines
that fall upon the floor-bring me life
let me feel electric tension
I am greater, taller and a thousand times smaller
From a ghost that told you where to go
to a piece of flesh that need to know
And as I turned my fragile skin -I reached omnio

I have gathered bricks throughout a lifetime
to build a house where I will live
The door is where I write these words
-the window where I forgive
Restlessly I searched the hallway
for the truth of yesterday
But changes cast their ugly shadows
-the basement is there host today

is this the omnio
I have been searching for?

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Other In the Woods song Lyrics
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  • Karmakosmik
    "Waiting is been
    Waiting for a word
    I Never heard
    A word that lie in..."
  • Epitaph
    "The wall on which the prophets wrote
    Is cracking at the seams.
    Upon the instruments if death
    The sunlight brightly gleams...."
  • Empty Room
    "An empty room
    What are we living for
    It is for you
    It is for me..."
  • Let There Be More Light
    "Far, far, far away - way
    People heard him say - say
    I will find a way - way
    There will come a day - day..."
  • Child Of Universal Tongue
    "It's so strange, and yet so simple
    Written on a piece of paper aeons ago
    And in years to come,
    I will be someone else..."
  • White Rabbit
    "One pill makes you larger
    Arid one pill makes you small
    The ones that mother gives you
    Don't so anything at all..."

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