In the Woods - Tell De Dode Lyrics

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Artist: In the Woods
In the Woods Author
Album: A Return To The Isle Of Men (1996)
In the Woods - A Return To The Isle Of Men Album
Song Title: Tell De Dode
Genre: Metal
Visits: 577
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Tidens sr vil ei leges
re fremfor alt
I kamp med sjel, med styrke og hat
Et knos som regjerer
Tar over sinnets makt
Bak skygger lurer helhet og tap

Vidder falt i tke
Kalde like p frossen mark
Menn viker ddens kraft
I en tid, fylt av sjelens under

Blod of trer flger
En frykt som gjemmes bort
Bak ett slr, gudsforlatt i svart

Sverdarmer svinges
Og stolthet far vre forfedres rot
Vi sverget,
at mot i en feid skal ei svikte
ditt egenmanns blod
Forbli da heller sjelels!

Dd, Tomhet og Svik..
..Blir senket som stl
Menn krever slaget
Menn knuser "tro"
Ja, Menn krever dden
dden og fallet for kristenmannsblod

Hedensk vi alltid vil seire
Og Hedensk vi alltid vil tro
Symbolet vil bres for styrke
Styrken som overgr alt.

Vi har tapt horder
til fiendes blot
Men nr vi str samlet
fortelles det av egenhendig visdom at;
Den som intet vger, intet vinner.

Balder's tegn sr hyt
En ny ra vil stige
Det har blitt fortalt
som i ett eldre sagn
Med feighet skal feighet forvises

Tell De Dde!

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Other In the Woods song Lyrics
  • I Am Your Flesh
    "My eyes are closed
    I feel alone
    there is something
    inside me..."
  • Weeping Willow
    "if the earth was a willow
    and you were one too
    -would earth be weeping
    so gentle and true?..."
  • Karmakosmik
    "Waiting is been
    Waiting for a word
    I Never heard
    A word that lie in..."
  • Epitaph
    "The wall on which the prophets wrote
    Is cracking at the seams.
    Upon the instruments if death
    The sunlight brightly gleams...."
  • Empty Room
    "An empty room
    What are we living for
    It is for you
    It is for me..."
  • Let There Be More Light
    "Far, far, far away - way
    People heard him say - say
    I will find a way - way
    There will come a day - day..."
  • Child Of Universal Tongue
    "It's so strange, and yet so simple
    Written on a piece of paper aeons ago
    And in years to come,
    I will be someone else..."
  • White Rabbit
    "One pill makes you larger
    Arid one pill makes you small
    The ones that mother gives you
    Don't so anything at all..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Return To The Isle Of Men" album, click "In the Woods Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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