Incantation - Scream Bloody Gore Lyrics

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Artist: Incantation
Incantation Author
Song Title: Scream Bloody Gore
Visits: 527
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Decapitated head licking your cunt
Sucking all the blood from your stump
intestinal guts taking their hold
leaving you dead, stiff and cold

Controlling the minds of the bloodthirsty dead
Unholy seizure slicing through your head
who will survive only time will tell
dripping from your mouth comes a rancid smell
labotomized corpse shredding your flesh
leaving your body a bloody mess

Scream Bloody Gore
Scream Bloody Gore

Inject the reborn terror, blood comes spurting out
another to control add it to the count
orders to destroy, rip and tear apart
Wishing for the end, your death is just the start

Controlling the minds of the bloodthirsty dead
Unholy seizure slicing through your head
who will survive only time will tell
dripping from your mouth comes a rancid smell
labotomized corpse shredding your flesh
leaving your body a bloody mess

Scream Bloody Gore
Scream Bloody Gore

Armies of the dead
hail their leaders head
Hungry for the flesh
While it's warm and fresh

Through the smoke who will see
Who will come out alive
Now it's your turn to feel the pain
Now it's your turn to die.

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  • United In Repungence
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  • Shadows Of The Ancient Empire
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    Like the darkness caresses my essence
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    A twilight that will guide us to an empire......"
  • Ethereal Misery
    "Profane invaders, demonacy arises
    Feasting on angelic sweetness, cries of holy mourning
    Diseased souls crushed
    Profanity brought upon a once holy kingdom......"
  • Unto Infinite Twilight / Majesty Of Infernal
    "Upon the mountain apex, reeking of zealous malevolence
    Stench of hellish pandemonium,
    trembling, decaying divinity
    Overshadowing supremacy, horns of rapturous damnation..."
  • Golgotha
    "How feeble thy man hast come forth unto us.
    To thine blessed land.
    Provoking his crucifixion...
    Thus to endure the reality of everlasting damnation......"

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