Incubus - The Deceived Ones Lyrics

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Artist: Incubus
Incubus Author
Song Title: The Deceived Ones
Visits: 580
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Bowing down to an angel cast out by god
Worshipping a deceitful enemy
Who's laughing at their pride in following him

Considering everyone to be merely human pigs
Under his cunning and evil eyes

A multitude is in total chaos
Knowing not the deceived ones that they are

Asking for power, richness and desire
The price that they must pay
Is their souls thrown into a cauldron of fire

By being weak and blind
The fools disrespect the Christian houses of god
They are the opposite of all that is holy
Locked in cages of sins
How can they reject the creator of all living things

The almighty god hears the prayers from holy priests
And Christians alike, forgiveness for them is at hand
But curses shall fall upon those that refuse to repent

[Lead, Lead]

God's only begotten son was scourged, mocked and put
To death and resurrected on the third day
Proved his powers to demonstrate
How goodness always prevails

Followers of damnation march on in their darkest ways
Falling to see and admit the truth tha christ left for us today

[Repeat chorus]

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