Incubus - Under My Umbrella (Correct) Lyrics

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Artist: Incubus
Incubus Author
Song Title: Under My Umbrella (Correct)
Visits: 551
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When i close my eyes... I can see for miles

There's comfort in my dark seat... and chaos in the aisles.

These eyes are not your eyes

and these eyes are not the color that

your arid eyes might be.

No, i was not around

when those eyes of yours decided so

I refuse to kneel before the

sights you choose to see.

When i close my eyes... I remember how to smile.

Under my umbrella... I'm accomplished exile.

These eyes are not your eyes

and these eyes are not the color that

your arid eyes might be.

No, i was not around

when those eyes of yours decided so

I refuse to kneel before the

sights you choose to see!

If this is right, I'd rather be wrong.

If this is sight, I'd rather be blind.

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