Indecision - Destiny Lyrics

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Artist: Indecision
Song Title: Destiny
Visits: 588
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indivisible - we are sworn

a pledge, a vow, a promise - we are sworn|

indivisible- we are sworn

a pledge, a vow, a promise

in times of need of consolation you're there

like my conscience giving me strength like no one else

I can feel you teaching me about myself

I can feel you

letting me know you are there

you're my security- I bleed for no one else

my destiny lies in your eyes - I can feel it, I can see it

your security keeps me alive- I can feel it, I can see it

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Other Indecision song Lyrics
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    "swallowing an ocean of absence
    soaking in the tortured admissions and passionate denials
    the absent friends and enemies, the manufactured threats
    the crushing weight of memories are all that I have left..."
  • Release the Cure
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    unveil the truth - we've swallowed lies
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    one death is tragedy - billions the industry..."
  • Through the Wasteland Go Searching We
    "through the wasteland, forward to death
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    in stale air we draw a breath
    in the midst of life we are in debt..."
  • Tunnel Vision
    "self preservation - the end of ambition
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    all the things you'll never be getting
    everything you don't deserve is everything you want..."
  • Crawling
    "You're running away from your enemies
    you submit to every attack
    everybody gets their chance to wrap their hands around your neck
    this is how life imitates death..."
  • Save Me
    "where did you go and where were you running to
    how could you not know I would come after you
    this comes and goes in waves and in spirals
    nothing is permanent - nothing is final..."
  • Dead
    "Every day is another nail in your coffin
    sealed inside and forgetting all light
    take as much as you can -shove it down
    and coke on the best years of your life..."
  • Suspension of Disbelief
    "Authority is based on nothing but intimidation
    they live to instill fear to compensate for the courage that they lack
    their power is an illusion kept alive by those it abuses
    and by those who sit back and watch while others suffer the subjugation..."

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