Independent Sheep - Peace (Or The Lack Thereof) Lyrics

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Artist: Independent Sheep
Song Title: Peace (Or The Lack Thereof)
Visits: 584
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The churning and the burning
Of your soul, it burns you up inside.
The hate and the unrest
Causing you to feel like you do.
Can't say that I don't know
What it is that you're going through,
But what I do know is
That I left that all behind

I found my peace.
I found my rest.
I found what it was to feel like nothing is wrong.
I found my life.
I found my destiny.
I found the happiness and the contentment that only some can find.
And then it was gone.

I asked you what it was
With tears you tried to say
Your heart was being ripped apart
Torn from the pressure of expectations.
Pressure aplied in great amounts
Your soul can't get the rest it needs.
Your mind constantly racing and pacing
Without ever taking the time to reflect.
I tried to give you hope
But the words would not come out
Inside I knew what I had felt
But the feeling left and now it's nothing but the same.

I found my peace.
I found my tranquility.
I found the place where I'm appreciated for what I am.
I found my home.
I found where I belong.
I found the feeling that I had been searching for so long.
And then it was gone.

Given a taste
And then denied.
Given a place
And then evicted.
Given a gift
And then robbed.
Given a voice
And then silenced.

I found my peace.
I found my love.
I found that only you could give what I was searching for.
I found out now
That I don't really want it anymore.

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