Independent Sheep - Vision Lyrics

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Artist: Independent Sheep
Song Title: Vision
Visits: 560
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Looking at the world dominated by the sun
Out of it comes forth a vision
A realization that could only be
A biproduct of the master that is me.

Flowers blooming before their time
People drowning in pools of wine.
A few are fed while thousands die
Because their leaders continue to lie.
A sacred act that's no longer private
While other continue to pervert it.
The inhabitants are forced to live in fear
Of the hate bred by hate creeping near.
And it all reminds me of how people just don't give a fuck anymore.

Strange peoples inhabit the lands
Force-fed the blood of their own hands.
Heinous acts able to be done
When a million have to answer to one.
One man's god is another man's reason
To make sure that he doesn't see the next season.
Brothers killing brothers and mothers killing mothers
It's a wonder there's enough left over to breed others.
And it all reminds me of how people just don't give a fuck anymore.

Reality has become an option
Don't like yours, just make another one.
These people's lives led to ruin
When one bad choice makes a life of depression.
Murder is justified in the name of God,
In the name of choice, in the name of sod.
It all points to just one thing
The inevitable end that's up and coming.
And it all reminds me of how people just don't give a fuck anymore.

It was a long time when people cared,
That people loved, that people shared.
And it is a long way away the time to come
When this reality will fade and be a vision.

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    They don't understand!
    They don't understand!..."
  • Good Men Rot The Same As The Bad
    And thanks for being.
    Thanks for all you did
    And thanks for nothing...."
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    "I am lost in my waking moment,
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    I have heard the words that were spoken.
    The ones that were born of fear...."
  • Peace (Or The Lack Thereof)
    "The churning and the burning
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    The hate and the unrest
    Causing you to feel like you do...."
  • Plastic Happiness
    "Plastic Happiness
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    Plastic Happiness
    Is all a man requires today..."
  • Scope
    "My life's passing me by
    But I don't wonder why.
    Everything's a blur
    Everything but her...."

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