India Arie - In My Head Lyrics

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Artist: India Arie
Song Title: In My Head
Visits: 701
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You?re like a cool breeze, on a summer?s day
You are a river running through the desert plain
You are my shelter, from the pouring rain
You were my comfort, even before the pain

I can hear the sound of five drummers in the wind
The leaves blowing in the breeze, ring out like guitars
A tin can rolls across the gravel like a tambourine
I am but a vessel, so I sing, because you are

Chorus In my head, you?re always in my head
In my dreams, you?re always in my head
In my pain, you?re always in my head
In my peace, you?re always in my head

A rainbow of rhythm stretches across the sky
An airplane in the distance, plays a beautiful cello line
It?s no coincidence; it?s in tune with the music in my head
If you were a shoulder you?re where I would rest, but I am your vessel so I hear, you

In my head,you?re always in my head
In my fears,you?re always in my head
In my joy,you?re always in my head
In my tears, you?re always in my head

You?re like a cool breeze, on a summer?s day
You are a river, running through a desert plain
You?ve been my shelter, from the pouring rain
You were my comfort, even before the pain??cause I hear you

In my head, you?re always in my head
In my dreams, you?re always in my head
In my pain, you?re always in my head
In my peace, you?re always in my head

In my head,you?re always in my head
In my fears, you?re always in my head
In my joy, you?re always in my head
In my tears, you?re always in my head

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