Indigo Girls - Ozilline Lyrics

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Artist: Indigo Girls
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Song Title: Ozilline
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grandma o. "...he did, he observed saturday as the sabbath" amy: "what...what kind of faith does that make him?" grandma: "uhh, he didn't have one" amy: "oh, ok" grandma: "he didn't believe in any one thing, he would go out on the street and all the kids would play the... with a drum like thing, some kind of an instrument, yeah, and mama played the organ. she had a ___ organ and she played that and she got a real big kick out of it."
oh ozilline
the moon is almost full
and you don't need a torchlight
to see into these woods
now sister bring the medicine
to keep you from decline
but it's the waxing and the waining
that's always on your mind

i said oh ozilline
(oh ozilline)
i feel for you
i said oh ozilline
(oh ozilline)
i feel for you

as soon as the corn's in
the deer will come to feed
and when the berry ripens
the bird will come to eat
you build by the river
it's pretty but you'll pay
'cause the springtime brings the flood plain
and your cutbank washes away

i said oh ozilline
(oh ozilline)
i feel for you
i said oh ozilline
(oh ozilline)
i feel for you

i had to put the dog down
before i hit the road
yeah i watched that sweet old life
become a bag of bones
so when you're body's broken
and your heart wants to give in
and you hear that hoot owl callin'
just like she was a friend

i said oh ozilline
(oh ozilline)
i feel for you
i said oh ozilline
(oh ozilline)
i feel for you

i said ozilline she don't let you cry
if you ask her where it hurts
i said ozilline she don't let you cry
if you ask her where it hurts
she said what a blessed sky

words and music amy ray
the spoken voice is ozilline walker, amy ray's grandmother

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