Infected Mushroom - Converting Vegetarians Lyrics
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Infected Mushroom Singer Lyrics
Converting Vegetarians Song Lyrics
Infected Mushroom
Converting Vegetarians (Cd2) (2003)
Song Title:
Converting Vegetarians
Trance: Psychedelic
Print Version
This is the time of the revolution.
Cooking the next step.
Converting vegetarians.
This is the time of the revolution.
Cooking the next step.
Converting vegetarians.
Minding the gap since 1996.
This is the time of the revolution.
Keeping it in the right track.
Feeling it in my mind back.
Seeing it every day every day.
This is the time of the revolution.
Keeping it in the right track.
Feeling it in my mind back.
Seeing it every day, aaah.
I wake up! And my mind's out,
Never again will I sell out.
Converting vegetarians.
Into the midnight giving it to you.
I don't know, it just feels right.
I wake up! And my mind's out,
Never again will I sell out.
Converting vegetarians.
Into the midnight giving it to you.
I don't know, it just feels right.
This is the time of the revolution.
Cooking the next step.
Converting vegetarians.
This is the time of the revolution.
Cooking the next step.
Converting vegetarians.
Minding the gap since 1996.
This is the time of the revolution.
Keeping it in the right track.
Feeling it in my mind back.
Seeing it every day every day.
This is the time of the revolution.
Keeping it in the right track.
Feeling it in my mind back.
Seeing it every day, aaah.
I wake up! And my mind's out,
Never again will I sell out.
Converting vegetarians.
Into the midnight giving it to you.
I don't know, it just feels right.
I wake up! And my mind's out,
Never again will I sell out.
Converting vegetarians.
Into the midnight giving it to you.
I don't know, it just feels right.
Converting Vegetarians Lyrics
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Other Infected Mushroom song Lyrics
Roll Us A Giant
"I am in a pretty lonley place . . .
-Got any magic mushrooms?
-No! But i got some dwarf mush and it will really blow
your head off! Last time i took it i saw ferries for 3 days!..."
Release Me
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-Open the door - get him outta there!
-No, wait...
-I know there is much we can learn from eachother, if we can..."
The Gathering
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You honour our family. You have our gratitude'
'Hey Aruzo,..."
I Wish
"I wish to give, to take, to make, to check, I wanna see it happen
I want to see, to be, the one that plays the game without no fears and regrets
I want to know you, better than I know myself
I want to feel the end, and to enjoy the consequence..."
"Darkness rising
calling out my name
will it be changed
or remain the same?..."
Muse Breaks Rmx
"Take it straight up and watch me get in
Feel it when the sun is up and let the vibe in
Don't you feel the rain drops are near
You're the only tool to break the music..."
Cities Of The Future
"We gonna run run run
To the cities of the future
Take what we can and bring back home
So take me down to the cities of the future..."
Im The Superviza
"I'm the superviza
can i get a taxi number
dance with me
come on come on..."
...Show All
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