In-Grid - You Promised Me Lyrics

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Artist: In-Grid
In-Grid Author
Album: Rendez Vous (English Version) (2003)
In-Grid - Rendez Vous (English Version) Album
Song Title: You Promised Me
Genre: Dance
Visits: 1253
Print Version

You promised me the moon and the sun the birds in the sky,
You promised me a wonderful life, they were only lies.
You promised me all diamonds and pearls that i never got,
You promised me red roses and gold but soon you forgot.
You promised me, just me and you.

You promised me i could be your queen and you'd be my king,
You promised me a white wedding dress - where is the ring?
You promised me your tender caress your kisses at night,
So try to show it wasn't in vain coz i'm wasting my time.
You promised me, just me and you.

Tu Es Foutu, tu-tu-tu, tu es foutu, tu-tu-tu.
I don't know what to do with my life, but I know my rule is no second chance.

You promised me, you promised me, you promised me,
Tu Es Foutu, tu-tu-tu, tu es Foutu, tu-tu-tu.

You promised me, Tu Es Foutu, You promised me, Tu Es Foutu.

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Other In-Grid song Lyrics
  • In-Tango
    "La la la
    Donne moi ton coeur
    La la la
    Chaque fois je suis dans ma rue..."
  • Tu Es Foutu
    "Tu m'as promis le soleil en hiver et un arc en ciel
    tu m'as promis le sable dore j'ai reu une carte postale
    tu m'as promis le ciel et la terre et une vie d'amour
    tu m'as promis ton coeur ton sourire mais j'ai eu des grimaces..."
  • Im Folle De Toi
    "I am in a pretty lonley place . . .
    -Got any magic mushrooms?
    -No! But i got some dwarf mush and it will really blow
    your head off! Last time i took it i saw ferries for 3 days!..."
  • Shock
    "Oh happy day Je suis blonde et jolie
    Ta poupee a choyer.
    J?ai vingt ans oh Maman
    Mais les hommes me regardent..."
  • Souvenir Dete
    "J'ai rapport? un souvenir d'?t?
    D'une journ?e du mois de juillet
    Sur la plage, je t'ai vu
    Avec un ciel..."
  • Tango
    "na na na
    Donne-moi ton c?ur
    na na na
    chaque fois je suis dans la rue..."
  • You Promise Me
    "You promise me
    Just me and you
    You promised me the moon and the sun, the birds and the sky
    You promised me a wonderful life they were under lights..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Rendez Vous (English Version)" album, click "In-Grid Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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