Inner City Posse (D-Lyrical and Violent J) - Intelligence and Violence Lyrics

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Artist: Inner City Posse (D-Lyrical and Violent J)
Song Title: Intelligence and Violence
Visits: 642
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* later known as the Insane Clown Posse

You have dug your own grave if you say you wanna battle

Don't you know your in trouble up the creek with out a paddle

Cuz I keep gettin betta I'm tougha then leatha

I'm rated numba one and I'll rain for eva

Some people wear silva and some wear gold

But then I'll snatch it off your neck and diss you cold

It's like a fantasy it's irony my rhymes go down in history

Hit my boys proven with the freshest termenology

Know more words then a pocked dictionary

Got more information then your local library

Some girls I'm kissin and others I'm dissin

But you don't know what you been missin

Make a fresh tongue twista

Could give your tongue a blista

If you see it my way then theres a chance you'll diffa

Give a sigh then you crie then you say good bye

Don't even try don't reply then you want to die

I make you rhyme though it's time

Commit an innocent crime

It's the truth no excuse a visual rhyme

Dissin you, to battle me you bit off more then you can chew

Tearin up the scene destrukter van vew

The way I'll leave you more puzzled then arubics cube

Wanna battle the best your gonna die like the rest

Wait I'll crush your bones and rip up your flesh

You can do what you want but leave the rhyme to the skills

Cuz every person that don't listen is a sucker that kills

And when I first started rappin I set some goals

To rock your mind, your body and of course your sould

Now when it comes to these goals I have now acheaved

So for all you none believers it's TIME TO BELIEVE

Take it to the Violent Side

Violent J yo homeboy I'm packin a punch

Nocked out Greg on the motha fuckin brady buch

For no parareasial thats my attitude

Fuck off gold dick I don't rap for gratitude

You'll remember my name after I get the shot

Don't laugh now bitch tie your lips in a not

Delray, Detroit, Southwest Military

Legal Freaks hangin like a motha fuckin dingle berry

Yo I like I like big fat fucked up freaks

I'm waxin that anus and I'm slapin her but cheaks

Hey yo the J stands for Joe

Violent straight up means that I'm a motha fuckin psycho

Reputation like Jason on the southwest side

Shot 47 times boy still ain't died

In the LA roads pumpkin gangsta codes

Sellin yayo part time sellin stereos

Yeah boy and my tape comes with 'em

When I stole the radio my tape was already in 'em

Life style of a motha fuckin scalowag

Throw a fist if ya throw me a mag

I'll use it cuz ya never know I'm packin a gun

Straight up young one you don't want none son

Fuck those talkin shit fuckin seem to quit

Talkin shit about the tape and don't make 'em say shit

Young caucasions raisin hell on our tape

Impersone Violent J I'll crush your head like a grape

Talk shit about my posse hope you have a ball

When I see you I'ma slam your fuckin head in the wall

Intelligence and Violence (repeat)

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Other Inner City Posse (D-Lyrical and Violent J) song Lyrics
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  • The Wizard of Delray
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    Drunk at the party drinkin 5th of M.D.
    Cold passed out on my homeboy's crib..."
  • Violent Crimes
    "* later known as the Insane Clown Posse
    Violent Crimes of the ICP
    Yo J take it away homeboy Lyricaly
    The ghetto yeah boy I'm a proud ass resident..."

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