Inner Surge - The Deepest WOund Lyrics

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Artist: Inner Surge
Song Title: The Deepest WOund
Visits: 595
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Still to come

What is still to come?

The mold - Now it has to be shattered

To finally expose that which really matters

So show me anything that can't be bought or sold

Attempt to recreate the purity felt so long ago

This is a war against lies and the blistering cold

The deepest wound will reveal itself as gold

Save the dogma for another weak mind

Useless communication to the blind

Read the conditions on the contract you've signed

Does it provide the peace that you had hoped to find?

Apologize now to change the plot of the story

I refuse to ignore the suffering of the ones who came before me

Even though so many others are chasing worldly glory

Openly I say "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Here is something we do not need

Greedy beasts telling us what to believe

You question and accuse who you think we may be

But we are so much more than you can see

Why all this belief in Columbus day?

He stole a pure native people's land and committed mass "MURDER"


Monkeys don't grow Lion's manes

Now what's happening here?

What is this place and these things around me?

A false hologram that we've been trained to see

Tell me, explain what it is you believe

Go on Go on and pour the salt in my eyes

Try to blind me with your filth and lies

But my eyes are open to this war

While the soldiers don't know what they're fighting for

Ego thinks he's strong

But he must learn

Ego thinks he's strong


He must burn

We have been tampered with

Asking questions when we should have found the answers and applied it

Searching for religious institutions to confide in

Voting doesn't count when their agenda's been decided


He preaches now as if he knows what it means

And uses it's power to forge patriotic dreams

Giving all our money to the Military

Removing books of true knowledge from the library

Rebellious children running

Soon their empire will be nothing

Expand your perception of the man

And you will clearly see the puppet

Let's start over again

Awaken again

Learn peace again

Know ourselves again

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Other Inner Surge song Lyrics
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  • Retribution Song
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  • A Call to Minds
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    Makes this a human race's tomb..."
  • A Good Laugh With Death
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    But when I smiled, He smiled back at me..."
  • A New Program
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    Because inside he knows the words to be lies..."
  • Avalon
    "Walking through the night's death
    New light is coming soon
    Every moment...Every breath
    Is one closer to the Truth..."
  • Backlash
    "May I proceed now, Your Honor?
    His eyes were wide open
    His heart was closed
    Mind looked down..."

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