Innocence Mission - As I Can Lyrics

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Artist: Innocence Mission
Song Title: As I Can
Visits: 767
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As I Can
Our life in the water
Is not what it once was
I was thinking yesterday
That I might go ashore

But This is where I'll stay
And This is where I live
As I can
As I can
Oh, As I can
As I can

Friends of mine were taken
Taken to a theme park
It's one thing to move on your own
It's another to be moved

I watch out for the boats
And I watch out for the nets
As I can
As I can
Oh, As I can
As I can

To think it's enough
To think it's enough

A sea is full of beauty
The world is full of light
And I think about my children
And I feel they still fight

I wish the water clean
And I wish the inlands green
As I can
As I can
Oh, As I can
As I can
As I, As I, As I can
As I can

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