Insane Clown Posse - Cemetary Girl Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Album: Riddle Box (1995)
Insane Clown Posse - Riddle Box Album
Song Title: Cemetary Girl
Genre: Metal: Alternative
Visits: 595
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"Tonight, tonight, we gather the dead. (tonight, tonight)
Tonight, tonight, off with your head."

"You'll never guess what's up" (7x)
"My muckin' head blew up"

She was lovely, long hair, short, nice figure though
So at the funeral, it made me cry, watch her die
I cannot lie, I couldn't sleep without a wink
I only think about my lady, I want my baby
I need her by my side, to hold me, to squeeze me

I still have pictures, but all they do is tease me
I see my therapist, he only tells me I'm in trouble
I want my baby back, so now I pack a shovel
And while I'm digging, it's awfully dark and kinda funny
Don't dig too fast or to see things could get bloody
I watch my baby, I hit the top of baby's coffin
I thinking, she's better off inside if she died
Yeah, she needs me, I can tell my baby wants me
Cuz every night at 2:15, my baby haunts me
I prey it open, the odor hits me, there she is
I lean down to give her a kiss because I need a...

Girl that make me happy, a girl that make me cry
A girl that passed away back in 1985
A girl I plan to marry, a girl I plan to wed
A girl I chew on cuz my baby is already dead

Cemetery lady, my cemetery girl
Cemetery baby, I want you in my world
Cemetery woman, we can still be down
You're more than just a corpse to a psychopathic clown
Cemetery lady, my cemetery girl
Cemetery baby, I want you in my world
Cemetery woman, we can still be down
You're more than just a corpse to a psychopathic clown

"Fuck yeah, motherfucker
I don't want no stuck up
Little sassy rassy bitch
Ya know what I'm saying
I want me a cold stanky bitch
So bring it on, dead momma"

She's as lovely as always, my baby hasn't changed
Except for the hole that's in her forehead, you can see her brains
Nevertheless, our love is still forever true
Her eyes have withered, her skin has now a tint of blue
My baby's dusty and dirty, and wrinkled clothes
And now I notice, the maggots chewed off all her toes
The earth has been rather cruel to my darling sugar
Is that a bug upon her face? oh, it's just a booger
I lean her head back to kiss her cracking lips
And then her neck crack, also does her hips
I must be gentle, my baby girl's a little rusty
A little dusty, but most of all, a little musty
I notice that, when we lay together on the lawn
We lay till dawn, I notice her left eye is gone
We said goodbye and everything turned out alright
I'll see you again tomorrow night, because I need a...

Girl that make me happy, a girl that make me cry
A girl that passed away back in 1985
A girl I plan to marry, a girl I plan to wed
A girl I chew on cuz my baby is already dead

Check it out, bitch!
You aren't getting stank, skank
Get your asses shoveling
Then you'll want a lil somthin somthin
Them cramey graveyard bitches

Girl that make me happy, a girl that make me cry
A girl that passed away back in 1985
A girl I plan to marry, a girl I plan to wed
A girl I chew on cuz my baby is already dead

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