Insane Clown Posse - Come Play Wit Me Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Song Title: Come Play Wit Me
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(Children laughing, Toy cranks up)

Hey (x54)

(1st Verse- Violent J)
Every year it's more of us and all we do is fill the box
You might play with me at first, a couple days, a week at tops
Just like your Atomic Supersonic Retro Plasma Car
We will all get tossed inside just like the piece of shit we are
I will be your fantasy imaginary special friend
I can feel you, I relate with you no need to talk to them
But instead you toss me in the box, leave me to rot away
Hoping you'll pick me again someday...hey, hey

(Chorus- Violent J)
Why don't you come play with me and take me to the other side
[take me to the other side]
Lost under Ann Raggedy it's lonley when your locked in side
[It can be so lonley] (x2)

(2nd Verse- Violent J)
I will sit and listen to your bibble babble jibber talk
But when you go in tonight you'll leave me out here on the walk
You'll ignore your little friend or trade me for something instead
Please come get your doggie, don't let him chew off my fucking leg
All your mom and daddy do is work and fight, that's all they do!
I can understand the way you feel because I feel it to
But you'll leave me in the box and I can barley hear you play
Lost among the toys of yesterday, hey[hey]hey[hey]hey


Boys and girls, fuck that old crusty shit
Come down and get your brand new, ha, shiny
slimy, atomic shithead

[Super, duper!]
[S-s-s-s-sonic, sonic]

(3rd Verse- Violent J)
I can see you near the bed when I look through this tiny crack
You become much older now and I don't see you turning back
Seven years in darkness I can only hope my wish comes true
That one day I'll get you in my hands...AND I'LL PLAY WITH YOU!!


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    Got another funky rhyme
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