Insane Clown Posse - Dead End Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Song Title: Dead End
Visits: 504
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The underworld watches in horror
As this marks the day that
3 of America's most notorious outlaws
Will be executed for their crimes
Together the states of Michigan and California
Will conduct the executions behind prison walls
The 3 prisoners are set to be executed by 3 separate methods
Electric chair, hanging, and firing squad
Midnight tonight will mark the first execution
Death waits in my cell I can smell him
Somebody tell him that I still breathe, leave
I'm alive I'll never see 25
Yet still I can feel, I'm real
When it all happened I was in the lime light
News, camera, gaven killer stamina
Another year I'm here but forgotten
Skin is rotting feeling old, cold
Motherfucker in a robe gonna sentence me to die in a metal chair
Fizzle my nut hair
Bad enough I'll be dead
Yet I'm tryin to figure out a way
To keep my eyes from poppin out my head
Oh they'll remember my ass
Twitchin, with my eyes drippin down the glass
Shaggy I think they're tryin to start a riot
And then it's Ice T but he don't seem fazed by it
I know the devil's waitin on me
But does God like him playin his role in killin me though
Lock me up until I die maybe
But you can never tell
We might sharing a cell in hell
Cause, my last request was
Let my homies smoke my ashes and catch a Violent J buzz
One more thing before you hit that switch
Please tell my momma that I'm sorry, I never

(Chorus x2)
Dead end no escape from it
Should've thought about that shit before you done it
Why? I, never wanna die
Don't nobody cry for me, it's only murder

The lights dimmed in my cell block
Cause all the power they got surged into one spot
J's chair hear him screamin, fully loaded
It was funny at first till his head exploded
It's something else for me
Another kill just as wicked
But cheaper on the light bill
It all starts with a thick rope
Make a noose and I'm gone
Stretch out my neck bone
Minutes left I think about my brother
When we was young...
Wait I don't have a brother
What the fuck?
My minds in a tangle
I wish somebody was here that I could strangle
I keep waking up on the floor
Cause I strangle myself but what the fuck for?
Haha starin at the cracks on the walls
Whistlin necks, fidgetin my balls
Kill me it'll still all be the same
Wicked clown juggalo phantom of the night train
What if I drop, but don't die
Tie weights to my legs
And give it another try
Still coming think of something, I speak
I'm not feelin so hot let's go for it next week
Didn't work, I pulled down my collar
At least they won't be hearin me holla
My neck shut

(Chorus x2)
Dead end no escape from it
Should've thought about that shit before you done it
Why? I, never wanna die
Don't nobody cry for me, it's only murder

A bit past 1:30 a.m. now
And the 3rd prisoner slowly makes his way
To the disignated spot on prison grounds
Where he will be executed by way of firing squad
I got seven bitches aiming at me
My backs against the wall
If I only had my strap then I could plug 'em all
Watch 'em fall
But they got my ass tied up behind this wall
So the homies can't ride up
Known killer in fact I killed the most
At random though some of them I planned 'em
Fuck it, I kicked your bucket for you, floor you
Got more guns if there's more of ya
War with the cops no prob
They shouldn't took the job
Blow holes throught they heads like donuts
Grown-ups, kids and girls
Gather round and get gunned down
I do it for the fun of it, adrenaline rush
Coked up quick to bust
Plus I love my dust
Gun son, watch the blood run son
I'm on one, muthafuckas
But check it this time I'll be the one dissected
I can't wait to feel the heat when lead and flesh meets
Bitter sweet baby, I been waiting for this
Go straight to hell kick it with the rest of my clique
Fuck a blindfold I wanna look 'em deep in they eyes
So they can see the fool's face of a dog as he dies
Plus I wanna see the muthafuckas squeeze
I got a hot date with my soul mate
Bust I can't wait

(Chorus x4)
Dead end no escape from it
Should've thought about that shit before you done it
Why? I, never wanna die
Don't nobody cry for me, it's only murder

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  • First Day Out
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    Another funky, funky rhyme
    Got another funky rhyme
    Another funky rhyme..."
  • Red Neck Hoe
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    Rapping to this bitch with a red neck..."

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