Insane Clown Posse - Echo Side Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Album: The Amazing Jekel Brothers (1999)
Insane Clown Posse - The Amazing Jekel Brothers Album
Song Title: Echo Side
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 557
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(1st Verse Violent J (Shaggy2Dope) [Monoxide Child] {Jamie Maddrox})
Imagine a place that exists beyond a place that's seldom seen
[A place that even the wickedest souls that burned have never been]
{There was a soul named Damien he was nothing heaven could save}
[Instead he was cast to the flames of Hell to serve an eternal grave]
(Even in the Afterlife things don't always go as planned)
[As Satan's throne sees ??, it's hectic and over jammed]
{Damien burned his spot in hell right until his dying day}
So the wagons took his sorry soul and taunted him all the way
[They finally reached that resting place, an endless pit of fire]
(But Damien had escaped through the back door of Satan's lair)
[Out the back entrance of hell but with nowhere else to hide]
His hell is just a tomb, resting in the Echo Side.

(Chanting x2)
Underneath the shadows of the other side of time
If there is a hell then there must be a behind
You can take me to the ghetto land move everything and back
Take me from the Echo Side and never bring me back

(2nd Verse- Violent J, (Shaggy2Dope), [Monoxide Child], {Jamie Maddrox})
Damien ran as far as he could before his legs began decaying
[There were many dead trees, a blood red sky, and headless children playing]
(A wicked man with a long black toungue saw Damiens legs were dead)
So he laid on top of Damien, and then licked the back of his neck and said...

(Backwards Dialect) Save me from the darkest corner (x4)

Underneath the shadows of the other side of time
If there is a hell then there must be a behind
You can take me to the ghetto land move everything and back
Take me from the Echo Side and never bring me back

(Backwards Dialect) Save me from the darkest corner (x4)

(3rd Verse- Violent J, (Shaggy2Dope), [Monoxide Child], {Jamie Maddrox})
{Damien called for many hours, in puddles of blood he lay}
Tortured by everything he saw, yet wishing along the way
[His arms decayed and fell off his body as he rolled along the floor]
{Still trying not to look back, as if something else was in store}
(The clouds above were dark and hot yet dripping with blood rain)
[The ground infested with rodents, that crawled throughout his veins]
{As Damien laid in Echo Side, Hell's screams could still be heard}
The blood red sky would flicker with the tourturing that occured
(Thinking back, he had escaped; every scream he heard he laughed)
The headless children pointed and urinated in his wrath
[He finally saw some fortress gates, so he quickly rolled into it]
These red gates were the front doors of hell...he never knew it. heh heh

Underneath the shadows of the other side of time
If there is a hell then there must be a behind
You can take me to the ghetto land move everything and back
Take me from the Echo Side and never bring me back (repeat till end

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