Insane Clown Posse - House Of Wonders Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Album: Forgotten Freshness Vol. 2 (1998)
Insane Clown Posse - Forgotten Freshness Vol. 2 Album
Song Title: House Of Wonders
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 556
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Violent J)
So there you are you're sittin' there just kinda chillin'
A richie boy you look a little bit like Dylan
The 90210 bitch with the funny hair
So I'm gonna change a few things around here and there
Start with your eyes I pluck 'em both out your head
And pull your balls out your sack and stick 'em there instead
Then I snap off your toes and stick 'em in your nose
And pull the hair out your head until your skull shows
You're almost ready, gotta fix you for the show tonight
But your lips, man, to me, they just don't look right
They could be a little fatter, even more
So fuckin' fat that your lip is draggin' on the floor
Tie your tongue into a knot and stretch it out
And tack a sign on it, tellin' what you're all about
Set you up, 'cuz now you're ready, so open up the door
'Cuz at the House of Wonders, you're the freak show

(Chorus x 2)
Carnival thrills
Carnival shows
Carnival excites you
Carnival kills
(Ahh, ooh, ahh, ohh)
Another freak show for the jugga-lugga-lo

So there you are, come on in, chickie, wow! Ain't you a pretty?
I think I'll start with the sillicone that's in your titty
I'll pull it out and put it in your forehead and cheek
So now, you look like the elephant bitch freak
Don't try to run, chickie-poo, I'm just gettin' started
I'll beat your head in with a brick until you're half-retarded
Remember that ugly girl you laughed at at the prom?
Don't try to laugh now, bitch, you look like her mom
You came to do the starin', but it's you they're starin' at
I'll stuff you full of chili-cheese dogs to make you fat
Then I'll stretch your fuckin' lips and stick 'em in your ear
So all that evil shit you talk, only you can hear
I shave you bald, and glue your titty on the top
And then I spit on your nipple until you drop
Hey! Almost ready? Jumpsteady, open the door
'Cuz at the House of Wonders, you're the freak show

(chorus x 2)

"Oh, oh, oh my God!!!!!
"Oh, oh, oh my God!!!!!
"Oh, oh, oh my God!!!!!
"Oh my God!!!!!"

(chorus until end

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    Another funky, funky rhyme
    Got another funky rhyme
    Another funky rhyme..."
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    A red neck that fucking red neck
    Rapping to this bitch with a red neck..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Forgotten Freshness Vol. 2" album, click "Insane Clown Posse Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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