Insane Clown Posse - I Didnt Mean To Kill Him Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Song Title: I Didnt Mean To Kill Him
Visits: 623
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This is the story of a murderer
A cold blooded killer, a ruthless, harmless, slaughterer

I didn't mean to kill him
Listen to me, wait
I was talkin to a fine asss date, ha ha ha
Phat titties, lookin like pow
and she's tellin me to come by right now
Oh shit, I jumped in the wagon, no more laggin, I'm taggin
This bitch, dead in the ping hole, make her lose control (mmmmmmmmm)
I showed up, I ring the ding dong
Grippin my wing wong, something's wrong
Who's this, not a bitch, but a dude
and he's tellin me to beat it; fuckin rude
It's jimmy, her man, a punk ass,
So I throw a left hook at him, splaaa,
then I came back with a right hook
POW, he fell to the ground
I didn't mean to kill him

I didn't mean to kill him, kill him, baby
Didn't mean to kill him, kill the man baby
I didn't mean to kill him, kill him, baby
Didn't mean to kill him, kill the man baby

Oh fuck, he's chillin with a neck broke
25 to life, is no joke
Don't die bitch hang in there
I mean I really don't care, but come on
Move quick, I run to the hospital
Make sure ain't dead yet, shit
There he is, chillin with a neck brace
with a look on his face like ehhhhh
Come on Jimmy, it's me, your homey
I even poured a little brew in your IV
Don't die, oh you tryin to speak
Fuck you, your punches are weak, ehhh
So bitch, you wanna talk shit again
I jumped up wit a boot to the chin
Pull his plugs out, and start chokin
Ewwwwwwww his necks already broken
He swung, hit me wit a bed pan
I was just makin sure you ain't dead man
Fuck this, I grabbed a scalpel
and stick it down in his scalp, uhhhhhhhhhh
Calm down, he's dead now, FUCK
Here comes somebody, better duck
Gotta hide dead Jimmy quickly
or 25 to 50, I didn't mean to kill him

I didn't mean to kill him, kill him, baby
Didn't mean to kill him, kill the man baby
I didn't mean to kill him, kill him, baby
Didn't mean to kill him, kill the man baby

Jumped out the window, and drug him home, jimmy's dead
and I'm finna get the bone
If they catch me, ah the death chair
I don't care
They'll never find him here
[phone rings] Jimmy can you get that
What the FUCK, he's dead, I'm whick whack
I'm neverous, scared and skitso, ha ha ha, wooo, ha, hello
Yeah, I still need to talk to stupid fuck nut
We're lookin for jimmy ballav
He's not here, uhh, wai wait yeah he is
This Jimmy, I'm alive, I'm not dead, I gotta go
Oh goody, they bought it, hah, they'll never know
I killed his bitch ass
Fuck it though. Jimmy's my room mate
He doesn't even eat much and that's straight
We just chill all day and watch video's
Call Domino's, and flick off his toes
make em land into a fish tank, what you think?
Let him sit, FUCK OFF, I didn't mean to kill him

I didn't mean to kill him, kill him, baby
Didn't mean to kill him, kill the man baby
I didn't mean to kill him, kill him, baby
Didn't mean to kill him, kill the man baby

This was the story of a murderer
a cold blooded killer, a ruthless, harmless, slaughterer

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  • First Day Out
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    Another funky, funky rhyme
    Got another funky rhyme
    Another funky rhyme..."
  • Red Neck Hoe
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    A red neck that fucking red neck
    Rapping to this bitch with a red neck..."

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