Insane Clown Posse - In My Room Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Album: Hell's Pit (2004)
Insane Clown Posse - Hell
Song Title: In My Room
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 1019
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"I love you...are you gonna let me in? Hello? Hello?"

2:45 and the bell went off, thank God
Many people think I'm odd
But I talk with no one and I walk alone
And I avoid sunlight with a chalky tone
I get home and I don't say hi, it ain't no one there
I don't care, I walk in and go right up the stairs
To my room, get in bed, and just wait for dark
Cuz that's when the real show starts
Tap! Tap! on the glass go the piece of ass
So young and pretty, it's too bad she passed
But she comes to my room and we talk at night
She's demonic and bloody but she holds me tight
In my bedroom, with her, I'm never alone
And I kiss her cold lips until the morning comes
Then she's gone, I can still hear her voice loom
But she only exists in the dark of my room

I can't ignore you
In my room
Do anything for you
I do adore you
In my room
You and I
(tap tap go the piece of ass)
I can't ignore you
In my room
Do anything for you
I do adore you
In my room
You and I
(tap tap go the piece of ass)

I try to smile a lot but I'm always frontin'
But I do love a ghost and at least that's somethin'
She don't talk much and when she do, it gets cold
Usually we just lay there and hold each other
We're lovers, we don't need others
One of my mother's cats jumped up on the covers
And it scared my baby, guess she don't like pets
So I twisted it's fuckin' head off at the neck
Look baby, it's bloody, it's gone, it's doomed
Please! Come back to the room
I'll do anything for thee, don't ignore me
This is more than a sick love story
Without you, I'd bring a shotgun to school
And I will if you want me to, for any reason
I hate that you leave when the lights come on
And if I had it my way, the fuckin' sun would be gone

I can't ignore you
In my room
Do anything for you
I do adore you
In my room
You and I
(tap tap go the piece of ass)
I can't ignore you
In my room
Do anything for you
I do adore you
In my room
You and I
(tap tap go the piece of ass)

Sometimes I kiss her, I start shakin'
She slips me the tongue and it tastes like bacon
Uh-oh, something's wrong, baby's upset
She told me she was spotted by the neighbor's kid
She can't come back now cuz they know our secret
Unless I can make them keep it
If I do, she may come to life
Now I'm in their yard with a shotgun and knife
Cut the screen, went in and found the kid
Blew a bowl of spaghetti in the side of his head
The daddy was next, runnin' down the hall
I shredded his throat and he was quick to fall
Tossed the Mossberg and gribbed the knife
Started stabbing the shit out of his wife
Went home a bloody mess with a job well done
Wash up and wait for my baby to come

I can't ignore you
In my room
Do anything for you
I do adore you
In my room
You and I
(tap tap go the piece of ass)
I can't ignore you
In my room
Do anything for you
I do adore you
In my room
You and I
(tap tap go the piece of ass)

I waited 2 or 3 days, 4 days
Waitin' for the tap tap like always
I waited and hated this
I created a bloody mess

I waited 2 or 3 months, 4 months
Waitin' for the tap tap just for once
I waited and hated this
I created a bloody mess

I waited 2 or 3 days, 4 days
Waitin' for the tap tap like always
I waited and hated this
I created a bloody mess

I waited 2 or 3 months, 4 months
Waitin' for the tap tap just for once
I waited and hated this
I created a bloody mess

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