Insane Clown Posse - SANTAS A FAT BITCH Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Album: Forgotten Freshness Vol. 1 (1998)
Insane Clown Posse - Forgotten Freshness Vol. 1 Album
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 666
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Slay bells jingle-ling rin jing jingle-ling horses, horses, horses, horses. Slay bells jingle-ling ring jing jingle-ling (gunshot) Santa Claus suck my balls Drunk as hell rinking bells at the malls Dancer Prancer Nixon and Quipid I'm a get stupid, ha ha ha, eh I sat around all night under the chimny Holdin my sack like gimme gimme I know that he's commin he's commin he must Lookin up nuthin but rust, dust. Turn on my tv the very next day I see your gettin payed leadin the peraid I'm that sniper on the buildin Listen to my nine go click, Santas a fat bitch Santa Claus is a fat bitch Santa Claus is a fat fat bitch Another year and I aint get shit Another year I aint get shit If I hear him land on my roof Ohh my undertaker I'm a bust your ass in the too-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooth Yeah I got somthin to say about St. Nick Fuck that hoe he never brought jack shit No toys, candy canes, just a lump of coal, So I eat it, cuz there ain't nuttin in the cubboreds So I'll be quick, quick and brief Alls I need for Christmas is my two front teeth I got my teeth, kicked out my mouth I need a few numbers could you help me out Should of known I guessed I'd show not a steak No kinda gift I didn't get shit Some say I was bad but that wasn't it It's all because, Santas a fat bitch Santa Claus is a fat bitch Santa fuck you cuz your a hoe Another year and I ain't got shit Another year I ain't get shit If I hear him land on my roof I'm a bust your ass in the too-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooth "Oh-ho-ho don't go that way Rouldolf thats the ghettoo ho-ho those boys and girls don't deserve anything"(in Background: Slaybells ringling jing jing jingle-ling horses, horses, horses, horses) Santa Claus, Santa Claus where you been? I see you got cookies and milk on your chin I guess you had time to collect your ends You always been down for your rich friend But Roudolf, he don't bring his slay my way Nuthin but dirt and coal for little J I guess you couldn't fit down my chimny shaft You need to loose some of that fat ass, eh All the littl rich bays they gettin payed Countin the tays and duckets they made Me? I got a little half little chunk of dog shit I'm a kill that fat bitch Santa Claus is a fat bitch He ate too much McDonals Another year and I aint get shit Mrs. Claus is a ho If I hear him land on my roof Slice that bitch in the big red coat I'm a bust your ass in the too-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooth For the neighborhood Christmas and everythings whack Not a creature sturrin but a fuckin rat I aint hearin jingle bells I aint hearin nuttin Aint smellin no turky sure as hell aint no stuffin All that I payed Wished and prayed That fat mutha fucka would swing my way Drop off soldiers and rubber ballz But I woke up and found some crusty old drawers Just as I knew it shaft again, and again, and again, and again Every year I wake up to the same old There be no sign of the fat bitch Santa Claus is a fat bitch Santa Claus is a fat bitch Another year and I aint get shit Another year I aint get shit If I hear him land on my roof If I hear him land on my roof I'm a bust your ass in the too-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooth Santa Claus is a fat bitch Santa Claus is a fat bitch Another year and I aint get shit I aint ge-et shi-it If I hear him land on my roof Ro-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoof I'm a bust your ass in the too-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooth (record scratching) "He's got a fuzzy whit beard and a great big smile, a bright red hat you can see for a mile, a bag full of goodies and a great big grin, hear comes Santa Claus again

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