Insane Clown Posse - Sedatives Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Album: Hell's Pit (2004)
Insane Clown Posse - Hell
Song Title: Sedatives
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 584
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I like to suffocate people and bite their necks
They got me in a place that ain't like the rest
And all you gotta do is try to go for the neck
And it's that
Slow down, colors smear all around
Weird sounds, you in the mind of a clown
And a wicked one somehow spinnin' around
Wheel me down the hallway, arms strapped down
With sedatives

Hangin' all out the neck from the IV
Sedatives for the lively
Study me, ask me, no answer
I'm cuttin' your neck first chance sir

White walls, white floor, small room
After sedatives, they become ballrooms
Crows fly by my window slow
Headed that way but lookin' at me though


I'm an accident, human malfunction at best
And I'm lookin' at a scalpel sinkin' into your chest
If I could only move, but them sedatives
Yanno, they're saving your life, them sedatives
Some of these other patients are strong as hell
Suffocating one creep took me long as hell
But I took his sedatives, well I thought they were sedatives
But they were only medatives

I fake pain, call em' over and play dead
And yank a fistfull of hair out the nurse lady's head
High on sedatives again, put me in a tiny place
Chin strap, muzzle over my face
I threw a guy off the roof first day they admitted me
I was sedated but that's when it hit me
The only time I'm at peace is when I ain't even there
God tell me, why the fuck are we here!?

I want a lobotomy
No shock therapy
Come clean me nurse
Take care of me!

I suffocated the last 2 they sent in alone
They had to stick me in the chest with a shot of methadone
Recreation time, wheel me to the courtyard
Four guards in white and they might be important
And the sky is blue and I can watch trees grow
Watch leaves blow, enjoy the sedatives show

Well I even have my very own room these days
White straight jacket, padded walls and PJ's
But there's so many ways and every stunt I pull
I even slammed my own mouth down on the toilet bowl
For attention maybe, not to mention a sedative
Heard one guy say "why even let it live?"
There's probably no sedatives in hell
And that's the only reason I'm alive still!

The witch is everywhere and I can see that y'all
Stabbed one nurse in the neck with a straw
A plastic straw, yeah it's flimsy and weak
But if you cork it with your thumb and hold it right...FREAK!

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    Got another funky rhyme
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hell's Pit" album, click "Insane Clown Posse Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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