Insane Clown Posse - There It Goes Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Song Title: There It Goes
Visits: 548
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Give it time man
I'ma be alright
It's fucked up
I'ma be alright
At least I got my rydas, tho

There it goes
Anotha casket dropped unda
In the midst of the rain and thunda
And I wonda
About that watchin' this risk
And why I didn't take that bitch
Anotha funeral
Third night this week
Everybody and they mamma catchin' slugs in the street
I know the reverend by name
He's like Bullet
It's your turn ta run ta Burger King

Mamma told me I had three strikes in life
When I was 18 I got a job at Mike's
Car wash
The place where the bitches be
Till I got mad and slapped Mike and his homie
They called the pig
Then they called my Pop's
I pissed on the vacuum in the back of the shop
It broke on out
Now the cops is on my tail
Cherry on the bitches (?)
If a nigga only fail (?)

Chorus x2:
I'ma Be (Alright)
I'ma Be (Alright)
I'ma Be (Alright)
I'ma Be Alright, but (There it goes)

I coulda been a doctor
Maybe even a president
Instead I slang dope
In a crackhouse resident
Raised in the strip
By pimps and O G's
Rock a girl with ADIDAS
Till the age of 13
Till I caught by the pigs
Slangin' bags and such
Had every last dopehead
Ridin' my nuts
Felt like I was on top of the world

What a head won't do for the bag of a white girl
I had T.V's and VCR's
Stereo systems and stolen cars
More throwaways in the bottom of the river
When I was hungry
Crackheads brought me dinner
I kept Trumph on my bankroll
If I met a fine bitch I'd put her on the stroll
Everything was straight till t

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    Another funky, funky rhyme
    Got another funky rhyme
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