Insane Clown Posse - Thumpin Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Song Title: Thumpin
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Bare knucks baby we been to get our swang on

Old school goin down be some great fun

Look at my knuckles I'm missin 3 humps

That's from bustin heads on chumps

I'ma tell you like this (tell em!)

You don't win, cuz I'll break yo neck when I rock your chin

Don't take much for me to get 'em up

Mean mug

Shoulder shrug


And don't try me with the kung fu shit

Cuz I'll smack your fuckin head with a cue-stick

Could be I aint the greatest to rap

But I'll damn sure crack your face up, believe that!

Haters and instigators

Don't test me

One throat punch will cave your chest piece

And it aint no law to the dump (yeauh!)

25 rydas... ready to jump (yeauhh yeauh!!)

if you dump but aint down wit the hatchet

its mandatory law, that you catch it

it all starts when I sting the eye

and then everybody jumps in, (haa haa!)

Chorus x2


Gangsta you don't want none

What you want homeboy?

Meet me in the street

And anybody else in this bitch who got beef

We the ryda clique FOOL

And we love to fight

Foe foe! Beat a motherfucker down on site

Get you jaw broke hoe cuz you talk outa turn

I'll have you sippin outta straw for a couple of months

For a little bit of fun.. (yeauuuh yeauhhh!)

Fight you two on one..

Knock you out and watch your homeboy run (beyyotch!)

Mean mugging aint a friend of mine

And if you looking at me wrong imma bust you in the eye

Leave you head wide open with a broken nose bitch

You shoulda known trick, this aint no hoe shit!

Ryda hands up bitch

You wanna come test me?

Keep flappin your jaw and get it broke quickly

Just like I leave

Sting like a bee

Before you get up

Knock you out your seat

? after 10 leave you body on the pavement

cop grab me

so I'm getting 3 kicks in

I'm a killa

Tonight I'm steady stompin

Takin any mothefucker out from here to Brooklyn

Brain damage the sucka half retarded

Step on up be the first to get it started

Bitch I'm a nutcase all about thumpin'

Make me stop a nigga and I'm still straight dumpin'!

Chorus x2

Bitch if I knuckle up

Somebody getting fucked up

I'm wiring jaws and mouths shut

Swingin on you with the ?

Guard your grill I'm blowin out your chestses

My suggestion is swing back or get beat

Ive been known to knock a nigga off his feet

You drinkin all that drank?

And talking all that flak?

Now come come outside and get your motherfuckin ? ?ed

Shakin like a bitch

Reaching for your heat

While my homeboys stompin your fok up in the street

If you talking all that shit looking to start somethin

Me and my dawgs been down for straight thumpin'!

We bopin 'em directly on your chin

Knockin fools out pick 'em up knock 'em out again

Slugs and thugs go fallin to the floor

feet start scuffling movin for the door

and here comes foe foe drawn back with a ?

hit the bitch so hard made a mans leg shake

WOO WOO! That be the battle call

Staright north coke, fuck a southern drawl

Do that thang, some eyes got swolled

Looked down it was SIX OF THEM HOES

Punk motherfuckers better recogonize 5 rydas..

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