Insane Clown Posse - Under the Moon Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Album: Great Milenko (2000)
Insane Clown Posse - Great Milenko Album
Song Title: Under the Moon
Genre: Metal
Visits: 632
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I'm still here..under the moon.

I was just a child but you seemed like so much more.
The way you would approach me and drift across the floor
I'd see you in the hall and you'd kiss me with a smile.
I never understood it was I even worth your while?
The other kids at school they would hate me and they'd spit.
Cuz I was just a no one to them I wasn't shit.
But you would always hold me and stand there by my side,
We were only 17 we'd be together till we died.
But then it all happened the ever dreadful day.
Somebody tried to rape you and now I'll make him pay.
You pointed him out to me- my thoughts began to race.
I took my daddy's 45 and shot him in the fuckin' face!
I did it all for you and though I'm facin' years
I would do the time just to equal all your tears
The last thing that you told me when I left the courtroom
Is that we'd always be together... cuz we're both under the moon.

"I'll forever love you even in your doom, we'll always be together cuz we're both under the moon"

I sit here in my cell and the walls are made of stone
I justified your pain but now I sit alone
I write another letter I write one everyday
I never got a letter back I write em anyway
I try to call collect- your number has been changed
I'm starin at the light bulb and I start to feel deranged
You never came to visit me I sit facin tha glass
No-one's on tha other side and now its in tha past
My head is always spinnin I'm poundin' on the wall
I feel like I'm forgotten no sign of you at all
You're probably gettin' married you're probably gettin fucked
I'll break out of this cage and try to cut that muthafucka up
I curl up in the corner my body will corrode,
My teeth are turning into dust skin is growing mold
I'm starin' out tha window of my eternal doom
I know that you are out there... somewhere underneath the moon.

"i'll forever love you even in your doom we'll always be together cuz we're both under the moon"

Many many years many more to go duz she still remember? God he only knows I now become a savage they chain me to a wall I still can see your body I still can
hear ya call I'm nothin but a maggot I'm locked away and lost the world that duzn't
want me my dignity is tossed and to tha girl for who I feel this doom look here...fuck you and the moon

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    Got another funky rhyme
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