Insane Clown Posse - Wizard Of The Ghetto Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse
Insane Clown Posse Author
Song Title: Wizard Of The Ghetto
Visits: 575
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One time, the ICP with this shit for your boys to say "fuck yeah"
to.yo J, kick some of that shit about the wizard and all that, drop a
psyco beat and rap bald-headed fuck.

(Violent J)
aw shit home boy you should have seen me
I was drunk at the party drinking fifth of MD
strait passed of on his mothers bed
seven cans of brew going through my head
dreamin', I was sippin' on faygo
in my dope house and here comes a tornado,huh
I can't run nowhere, cuz the whole
damn house was spinnin through the air(damn!)
and don't laugh just yet
(and it bland my mother fuckin eyes)bet
and here comes a three and a half foot pimp
with a blue zoo suit and a mack daddy limp
yo' i got a grip on my weapon
cuz this midgit motherfucka and his boys are steppin
(o my! look at the witch you crushed and killed that wicked old bitch)
and they sayin that i'm doomed
cuz i killed some ho that rides on a broom
fuck this I'm goin back to where I stay
and I'm walkin down the yellow-brick alleyway

we're off to see the wizard
sing along,sing along
we're off to see the wizard

drop the motherfuckers all the way to del-ray

well go on motherfucker

(Violent J)
now I'm roamin just like a basshead
everybody know just where the alley lead
and don't say you don't know, which way to go
yo there go the scarecrow, I ain't playin this bullshit no mo'
so I wip out the nigger-plate the double-four
best tell my ass how to get back
or i'll blow a straw out your fuckin head
you wanna see the wizard?
fuck ya I do
gimmie off this pole and I'll come with you
you know the wiz?
yea its the road for him then he gave me on a 'gene now
I bullet for him
now me and the crow was walkin on bricks
spittin and cusin and holdin our dicks
thinkin "damn, this ain't how the movie goes
I ain't seen one mutherfuckin rainbow"
ain't a fresh pair of kicks in the land, just what you thought
there go the tin man
how you get to the wizard?
what the fuck?I ain't sayin shit 'til you oil me up
I don't see any motherfuckin oil, bro
oil me up with a fourty or redbull
ha, just like the book said
tin man was stumblin like a crackhead
old ass rustin on metal but we was on our way to see the wizard of the ghetto
(yea, yea, yea)

"somewhere over the rainbow"
fuck up, bitch(machine gun)damn!this ain't kansas ho
this is southwest motherfuckin ghetto zone bitch
so get yo stank ass up and you and toto get the fuck on

(Violent J)
yea we've come a long way
(drop the mother fuckers all way to del-ray)
and I'm a wonderland story book tourist
grippin that .44 we comin up to the forest
anything could be out there
lions, tigers, and maybe a bear
hoods, hoodloms,and thieves oh my
hoods, hoodloms,and thieves oh my
hoods, hoodloms,and thieves oh my
I'ma kick somebody in they fuckin eye
don't fuck with me at a time like this
I'll send out a bullet guaranteed won't miss
so I just move and the hooks are flyin
you've come and buck with the fuck lion
i want rings, chains any kind of gold
or what?
or I'll let this nine unfold
man,fuck this come back to Del-ray
there you can rob mutherfuckers everyday
crackheads, hos whatever can name
catch all the rich ones come out the ballgame(yea)
so finaly we was at the castle
and with the guards we got no hastle
they all just got the fuck out our way
I guess even in oz they know of violent j
(ungh, ungh, ungh)


yo where's the motherfuckin wizard stay?
who wants to know?
I want a word with him at gun point
'cuz there's no place like detroit

welcom to the wizards kindom
the wizard of the ghetto as you say
welcome to the wizards kingdom
sorry motherfucker this where you stay
scarecrow you ain't shit to me
and the lion ain't but a snack for three
tin man don't take me for a sucka
i'll chew your ass up and spit bullets out mother fucker

(machine gun fires)

we let it rain
seventy-nine slugs to his motherfuckin brain
then I step back cool and calm
because the tin man was dropin cluster bombs
everybody know about car jackin
so me and the fellas went home mackin
jumped in a smooth ass ride
drop top Geo says "wiz" on the side
gripped back to the hood where we came from and that shit was fun
next thing I knew I was back at the pary got up and was fixin to tell everybody
but I just let it pass cuz I know they'll laugh at my drnk ass(ass ass ass)
(ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)

drop the mother fuckers all the way to del-ray(2x)

louder louder AND LOUDER
(clapping)thankyou very much
my next poem is very short one(clear throat)
dismay dismay o how there's dismay in may
(clapping)thankyou thankyou

and now poetry from our friend 2 dope
fuck out of here man
(clears throat)
(blows and taps mic)
is this thing on?
(taps mic)
(clears thoat)
a beautiful butterfly was floating by
it landed on my cheek just a smidgit from my eye
I said to my little friend

Thank you

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    Another funky, funky rhyme
    Got another funky rhyme
    Another funky rhyme..."
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    A red neck that fucking red neck
    Rapping to this bitch with a red neck..."

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