Insane Clown Posse (ICP) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP)-Dead Pumpkins Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse (ICP)
Song Title: Insane Clown Posse (ICP)-Dead Pumpkins
Visits: 640
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Insane Clown Posse (ICP)

Dead Pumpkins

he went to bed one day and then when he woke up um,

and when he woke up he was,

he was up to his head in the dirt and um,

he couldn't move and this man came walkin along

but instead of the man helping him out the man just started

kickin him and kickin him in his face over and over

and then he got the lawn mower and then he.....

Trick or Treat, bone apetit

All the little kiddies runnin down my street

Gathering candy treats door to door

But they walk past mine, what for?

Probably cuz the pumpkins on my porch are real

Real human heads carved out with steel

Cut out the eyes man it takes but a minute

Rip out the b-b-b-b-brains and put a candle in it

Maybe they leave cuz I take 'em inside

Come and meet mother, 2 years ago she died

Little boys laugh cuz they think it's just a dummy

But then the smell hits 'em, mmm, smells yummy

Open your bag and I give you my treat

Crusty yellow toes off a dead woman's feet

Take me by the hand and I lead you downstairs

And that little Jimmy is were you'll spend the next 7 years

Staring and weakening chained to the wall

Starin at a roach hoping it will crawl

Into your mouth for a tasty cuisine

Yes my little friends, it's the

Dead Pumpkin Halloween

Ahhhhh yeah it's that special time of year boys and girls So come to the pumpkin

patch and bring your panty sacks So I can shit in 'em you bitch

Well I love all the children but I can't fuck around Don't come to my door

dressed as a clown

Cuz you never know I might take it the wrong way

Cuz I'm the real wicked Juggalocaro Violent J

All year round but I love my Halloween

You never get an apple or a purple jellybean

Droplets of chocolate a licorice snack

Instead you get a deep fried French poodle nutsack

Looking out my door I see no children in sight

Perhaps there all dead, yesterday was devils night

They burn down the city and they leave the crispy chard

I light myself on fire and dance around my backyard

All the pretty girlies

I can see were your at Sitting on your window

I can turn into a bat Watchin you remove all your little clothesies for bed

I crashed through your window and land on your head

Drinking the blood that has gone through the bone

Now I must leave mothers calling me home

Up to the moonlight I'm gone from the scene

Peace to Detroit city, and have a Dead Pumpkin Halloween

Yeah I'll snatch your little candy bag Only I'm a tie it around your mutha

fuckin neck And choke you with it wicked clown style Ha ha fuck..Detroit's in

this bitch,check it out muthafucka..yeah..wicked clown's in this

muthafucka..Jump steady in this muthafucka..wicked clown in this

muthafucka..and you watch this muthafucka..Chucky muthafucky in this

shit..violent J in this muthafucka..rude boy in this muthafucka..

stupid in this muthafucka..mike mike in this muthafucka..

faygo this mothafucka..all this in this muthafucka..check it out..violent J in

this muthafucka..2dope in this muthafucka..wicked Joe in this


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