Insane Clown Posse (ICP) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP)-Ninja Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse (ICP)
Song Title: Insane Clown Posse (ICP)-Ninja
Visits: 741
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Insane Clown Posse (ICP)


"Eh, man, you remember me?"


"You remember that shit you said?"


"Well, paybacks a bitch!"

(4 gunshots)

"Mmm, motherfucker, let's go man."

"Hold up, man, he's still alive, man."

(5 gunshots)

"Die motherfucker, damn!"

(1 gunshot)

"Shoot the motherfucker again, man"

(1 gunshot)

"Aw, shit."

(2 gunshots)

"Shoot him again, man."

"Ahahaha. ahahah."

(3 gunshots)

"Motherfucker's still alive man"


(3 gunshots)

"Die, man."

(1 gunshot)


"Aw shit, let's get the fuck out of here, man"

"Ahhhh! Ahahahaha!


Hahahahah, bitches."

(total gunshots fired: 20 shots)

"What's the hell's a ninja?"

"A ninja is the branch of the Japenese samurai. A very old

orginization. It's origins are hundreds of years old. Much

of its history's been lost. Not many ninjas exist today, yet

they all have imdominal fighting skills as a part of Ninjitsu.

No matter what weapons you use, a ninja will never die."

(at the same time: in background)

Ninja's possess superior skills of Ninjitsu, motherfucker

Ninja's have imdominal fighting skills

I'm ninja, a ninjer, a motherfucking ninja

Damn, I wish I could be a shogun samurai

So I can swing a sword and make necks fly

I'd go to school and ninja crawl through the halls

Then I'd jump out and stab bitches in the balls

Cuz I remember these kids from the playground

Everybody'd hang around, we were all down

But then we grew up and everybody turned away

And now they dissin me, yellin "Fuck Nerdy J"

Its sad to think of how it changed as I got older

As I sit and draw a ninja on my folder, uh

What I would do if I only had a ninja sword

You'd see blood start flingin on the chalk board

I'd tell the whole class nobody move a jiggle

First one to do, I'll make your fuckin neck wiggle

Everyone would start jockin, the news would take my picture

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja (3x)

Damn, it'd feel good to see people up on it

After I was killing all the yuppie fucks

All the poor kids would come and swing from my nuts

And I would walk home feeling like a samurai

I'd walk in the house and see my momma cry

I'd ask why, she'd point to my drunk pops

He tried to hit her again but that shit stops

I kick him in his throat, you hear his neck break

I throw a roundhouse and knock his beard off his face

I'd tell him, "Dad, now look at all your broken glass

Why don't you pick it all up and stick it in your ass?"

I watch him do it, now hurry up, you take forever

When he was done, I'd squeeze his butt cheeks together

Now get the fuck out my house, never come back

I throw a Chinese star and stick him in his ass crack (aaahhh!!!)

I turn to my mother, "I'm sorry that he hit ya"

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja (3x)

Damn, it'd feel good to see people up on it

If I could be a ninja, my daddy'd be dead

But I still gotta go to work and pay the rent

I flip french fries for two twenty-five

Mr. Donny works here, he's fuckin forty-five

But he think he the shit cuz he the boss

I guess he don't know that his life is a loss

I walk in, about 5 minutes late

Cuz I was trying to clean the blood off my ninja blade

But Mr. Donny wanna try and get up in my face

Screaming at me, sweatin over this place

Mad cuz I'm late, he's no better than me

Just another bitch working for next to free

I thought about taking my ninja steel

And cuttin up his body and fry him on the grill

But he's too fuckin whack and I can kill this bitch

And I don't even need to be a ninja

Damn, I wish I could be a ninja (3x)

Damn, it'd feel good to see people up on it

Yeah, yeah, I'm a ninja, yeah


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