Insane Clown Posse (ICP) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP)-Questions Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse (ICP)
Song Title: Insane Clown Posse (ICP)-Questions
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Insane Clown Posse (ICP)


why, every time I stab somebody, I always get my clothes bloody, why

why, every time I drive down the wrong side of the street, everyone wanna be, why

why, every time I'm broke and I sell rock I wind up in a cell block, why

why, every time I shoot somebody in the face, pigs give chase, why

why, every time I drink a little gasoline, I shit my spleen, why

why, when I try to fly like a birdy, I wind up on a gurney, why

[Chorus 2x]

Won't you tell me why

someone tell me why

Jesus tell me why

I must find out why

Why, every time I swallow a fat head nail, my neck feels stale, why

Why, every time I contact dark spirits, they wanna break my mirrors, why

Why, every time I choke a friends neck, he don't come back, why

Why, every time I stab my eyes with an ice pick, I cant see shit, why

Why, every time I play chicken with a train, it wins the game, why

Why, every time I wake the dead up, the try to eat my head up, why

Why, every time I see my reflection, I see no direction, why

Why, every time I order a taco, you want a bite muthafucko, tell me why

[Chorus 2x]

Won't you tell me why

someone tell me why

Jesus tell me why

I must find out why

Why, every time I raise my arms in celebration, playahation, why

Why, just cause I'm dead in decation, you give me no ass, why

Why, every time I chew on thumb tacks, I get blood on my snacks, why

Why, every time I kick faygos in the sky, you wanna know why, why

Why, every time an angel wanna kiss me, it always seems to miss me, why

Why, every time I shangri-la seem so far away, you better leave to day, why

[Chorus (until song ends)]

Won't you tell me why

someone tell me why

Jesus tell me why

I must find out why

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  • Chicken Huntin (Slaughterhouse mix)
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    Why? I, never liked chicken pot pie or the chopped chicken on rye.
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    No fries man..."
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