Insane Clown Posse (ICP) - Insane Clown Posse (ICP)-The Staleness Lyrics

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Artist: Insane Clown Posse (ICP)
Song Title: Insane Clown Posse (ICP)-The Staleness
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Insane Clown Posse (ICP)

The Staleness

(Stop it) I don't know why but your heart beat offends me,

I need to cut you off at thy wind pipe desperatly, (Like, how about cuttin' your own neck?) -

I did, seventeen times, why you think I talk like this? Before I cut myself


now gimmie your neck pipe, you don't have no fuckin' choice (I'm not ready to die) -

neither was Easy E, what makes you so fuckin' special you can escape thy wrath (You mean Wraith) -

I said Wrath, now shut thy fuck up,

and give me your wind pipe so I can cut that mother fucker (Pick somebody else) -

I'm pickin' anybody I can find, and you happen to by thy nect mother fucker in line (Ok lets do it) -

Keep still right there and about, 1, 2, 3 of those mother fuckers I'm outta here


Let me make thy pain be gone

I wanna


It's like

Murdering be giving me a calm

I need ta


Let me make thy pain be gone

I wanna


It's like

Murdering be giving me a calm

I need ta

(Ah ha... What kind of circus is this?)

[Violent J:]

How you gonna give me a striaght jacket when I'm crooked?

Took it and shook it, ripped it and unzipped it and waited for thy nurse guy to bring me m tray,

jumped him from behind and turned his head backwards my way,

took all his keys and a crate of Methadone, masturbated on myself and leaped out thy windo,

Then I turned around and went right back inside,

once i realized I could of grabbed a brang of Formaldehyde.

Suddenly another fuckin' guard shot me; I played thy whole movie shits off like "You got me".

Laid there playin' dead and when he checked my pockets

I jabbed my fuckin' thumb knuckle deep in his eye socket.

By now there was guards everywehre. I'ms teady cuttin' heads off, surfin' on a wheel chair,

and too many bullets finally put my away....

But was it thy real Violent J?


Let me make thy pain be gone

I wanna


It's like

Murdering be giving me a calm

I need ta


Let me make thy pain be gone

I wanna


It's like

Murdering be giving me a calm

I need ta YEAH, YEAH, YEAH

"It kills the pain... it's thy only thing that kills the pain, I'm sorry"

[Juggalo Scrub Chant:]

I'm so sorry that I'm so stale... I'm so sorry I'm stale.

But still I gotta murder your face... man I'm sorry I'm stale [Repeats]

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