Insomnia - Why I Cant Forget About You Lyrics

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Artist: Insomnia
Song Title: Why I Cant Forget About You
Visits: 1153
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I can't forget, your hand holding mine
Why can't wel talk about, and start all over again
Or is it just to late for that, so we can't
But I still love you, do you care about me?

Love, what, does it mean?
In, the end, it's heartbreaking
Why, can't, you ignore me?
That, would, be better for me

You're so perfect, that's why I love you
You're so close, but I can't reach you
You're so perfect, that's why I can't forget you
You're so close, But I must leave you

Maybe it's in your eyes, they say something to me
What I can't explain, but it's so perfect for me
The last time I saw you, you were so angry
Why I still love, I just don't know it

You, were, so, angry
It, was, heart-breaking
Why, can't, you ignore me?
That, would, be better for us

You're so perfect, that's why I love you
You're so close, but I can't reach you
You're so perfect, that's why I can't forget you
You're so close, But I must leave you

You're not so perfect
You're not so close

You're so perfect, that's why I love you
You're so close, but I can't reach you
You're so perfect, that's why I can't forget you
You're so close, But I must leave you

You're so perfect, that's why I love you
You're so close, but I can't reach you
You're so perfect, that's why I can't forget you
You have to know, that I can't live without you

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