Inspectah Deck - Cradle to the Grave Lyrics

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Artist: Inspectah Deck
Song Title: Cradle to the Grave
Visits: 710
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[Hook: Inspectah Deck - repeat 2X]

To anyone whoever lost one

Survival it may cost one

[Inspectah Deck]

Yo, what up kid it's been a few years

So many blood, sweat and tears shed

Ya name still appears in my head

It seems like yesterday we floated to Queens

Holdin' cream, only 16, 'bout to load up the triple beam

Paper chasin', gettin' thrown in the pens over and over again

Comin' home sittin' low in ya bed

If ya stairin' down on me right now show me the path

So I know that havin' my people can close the gaps

Me, daily I spar as I tour this world bizarre

I've been hit pretty hard, suprised I made it this far

Seen your daughter yesterday, she's such a beaurtiful girl

Besides today, ain't nothin' really new in my world

So I wish you was here, we had a vision and the picture was clear

We'd both get rich off this and disappear

Your life is over but your legacy's just begun

And that is said, only the good die young

I guess it's all good

[Chorus: Mojehan (Inspectah Deck)]

Cradle to the Grave (from the Cradle to the Grave)

Don't throw your life away

Such a price to pay

I still feel the pain

I remember when

Things were so different then

But I'll remain ya friend

'Til we meet again

[Inspectah Deck]

Is Heaven any different from Hell? Is it worth the battle?

In search of Heaven I can get trapped too

Sometimes I wanna join you, take my place upstairs

But I'm not ready to leave my family in despair

I know if you was here you'd be rockin' the latest Nike Airs

All the fires gear burnin' one, totin' hardwear

Or we hit Lennox, check precise set of Lexus

Check the message on the pager; "it's two bucks the next chicks"

I had to do this, for Earnie Sayon and Aaron Lewis

And all my families that have been through this

And I know my days are numbered too because of you

Aiyo you got it locked, hold me a spot for when I come through

'Til then I gotta be strong, a time bomb

One step from doin' life, my rap sees miles long

But like simply when I keep holdin' on

But I can only hold on for so long


[Inspectah Deck]

It's a Cold World kid, you ain't really missed much

It's hard just to get up, it's hard not to give up

I struggled tryna move up, I might lose touch

Been fightin' all my life for my right to do such

To all my single mothers strugglin'

Life bitters to the thugs out hustlin', here me

To all who walked the long road and met the end of the route

I miss you all so I send this out



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