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New Empire Blues Song Lyrics
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Album : A New Morning, Changing Weather (2001)
help me cause i can't understand, is this the progress that was planned?
help me cause i just can see what is new with this economy
yeah, labor camps, death zones seems like we've seen it before
yeah, free trade restructuring plans like money could ever give a damn
hold tight - hold tight, i got a feeling that something's not right tonight
hold tight - hold tight, i want to feel alive
hold tight - hold tight, i got a feeling that something's not right tonight
hold tight - hold tight, yeah
help me cause i can't comprehend feudal serfs with outstretched hands
help me cause i can't figure out what this freedom is all about
yeah, free to slave, free to pay nike shops will make our day
yeah, more ball and chain will lead the way to this globalisation wave
hold tight - hold tight, i got a feeling that something's not right tonight
hold tight - hold tight, i want to feel alive
hold tight - hold tight, i got a feeling that something's not right tonight
hold tight - hold tight, yeah
help me cause i can't understand, is this the progress that was planned?
help me cause i just can see what is new with this economy
yeah, labor camps, death zones seems live we've seen it before
yeah, free trade restructuring plans like money could give a damn, i said
hey hey hey, i don't get it
yeah, i don't get it
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