Interpol - Evil Lyrics

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Artist: Interpol
Interpol Author
Album: Antics (2004)
Interpol - Antics Album
Song Title: Evil
Genre: Indie
Visits: 950
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heaven restores you in life
you're coming with me
through the aging the fear and the strife

it's the smiling on the package
it's the faces in the sand
it's the thought that moves you upwards
embracing me with two hands
right will take you places
yeah maybe to the beach
when your friends say you come crying
tell them now your pleasure's set upon slow release

they wait
they smile
sensitive to fake nods
right on
but hey who's on trial?

you took a lifespan with no cellmate
a long way back saying "Me, why can't we look the other way?"

he speaks about travel
yeah we think about the land
we are smart like all peoples feeling real tan
i could take you places
but you need a new man?
wipe the pollen from the faces
make me vision to a dream while you wait in the van

they smile
sensitive to fake nods
but hey who's on trial?

it took a lifespan with no cellmate
but a long way back saying "Me, why can't we look the other way?"
you're weightless
you are exotic
you need something for which to care
saying "Me, why can't we look the other way?"

leave some shards under the belly
lay some grease inside my hand
it's a sentimental jury
and the makings of a good plan
you've come to love me like me
yeah you've come to hold me tight
is this motion everlasting
or do shudders pass in the night?

our heaven restores you in life

I've spent a lifespan with no cellmate
a long way back saying "Me, why can't we look the other way?"
you're weightless
you need someone to take you there
saying "Me, why can't we look the other way?
Why can't we just play the other game?
Why can't we just look the other way?"

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