Intertitus Dei - Berzekir Lyrics

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Artist: Intertitus Dei
Song Title: Berzekir
Visits: 549
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I know the storm is coming, dark clouds cover the sky
And I know I'll never see another day.
The wind keeps saying It's a good day to die,
And together we'll search infinity.

I fight for no one's throne,
Don't fight for justice, don't fight for peace,
I have a blind rage deep in my bones,
I'm the one who brings the devil's kiss.

Hate! Hate is all that I feel!
Fear! The only thing that is real!

I have a single friend in the blade in my hand
And I have a single wish for when I'm dead,
To quench the thirst of every beast around
And to die across the fields, nature red.

I fee; your fear a thousand miles away.
There's no point in running, on your marks I'll stay!
Now I see your lips kissing the mud
And I will feast in your blood!

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Other Intertitus Dei song Lyrics
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  • Eclectic Heart
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  • Glory
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    We faced death with courage and pride
    We left the best of us behind
    But the victory was on our side...."
  • Her Sins
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    Her soul is heavy like a stone,
    She walks her way
    Stepping on her own yesterday...."
  • ...Show All

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