Intertitus Dei - The Stone Athame Lyrics

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Artist: Intertitus Dei
Song Title: The Stone Athame
Visits: 562
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By the last sickle of the moon
I reap the soul of the night,
By the letter of blood
I mark the path of witchcraft.

Cut down the feelings of the flesh
Release the hearts of the profane in sacrifice
Release the hearts of wise in devotion
Rend ye the veils of matter and form.
Blade of stone, I conjure thee,
Attract all the things as named by me.
Earth and water, wind and fire,
Listen my desire.
Receive ye the harvest of the stars,
Draw down the light of Sun and Moon,
Receive the harvest of the void,
Draw down the darkness and rise up the abyss of night.

Lords of the four watchtowers
And all of you, Gods of the night,
Guardians of the palace of power,
Witness and guard my rite.

Athame of stone, hear me alone,
You are now the key
To open the gate of all the secrets
That I would like to see.

By the seven earthly metals forged
And the earthly Sabbath's circle bind
By the dagger of exorcism
Forged from the reddened bones of the ancient.

Bloody waters, magic knife,
Show me the future, show me my life,
Leave this world and take me far away,
Save me from today!

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Other Intertitus Dei song Lyrics
  • 1390
    "I left my body down on an altar in flames,
    I have to meet my own heaven or hell,
    No one can see me, no one can touch me,
    I'm waiting now your big mistake...."
  • Bats In The Attic
    "The flapping of my wings,
    Alone in bed she sings.
    Like the king of the night
    I fly off reality..."
  • Berzekir
    "I know the storm is coming, dark clouds cover the sky
    And I know I'll never see another day.
    The wind keeps saying It's a good day to die,
    And together we'll search infinity...."
  • Demonic
    "The castle gates are opened,
    The hour now has come
    And I'm waiting by your grave.
    The circle is now broken,..."
  • Eclectic Heart
    "I touch your soul in silence,
    I feel your sins in my arms.
    My wings are heavy,
    I can't fly...."
  • Fear
    "Centuries ago we were placed on a marble pedestal
    By those who searched for us in heaven,
    Not thinking that we lived behind their eyes.
    We used to die and be reborn,..."
  • Forbidden Epitaph
    "I am the undead, in vain you try to stop me.
    In vain you've kill my flash
    I hate you cause you hate me
    I am the sum of your fears, unholy and always awake..."
  • Glory
    "The night was long and the battle hard.
    We faced death with courage and pride
    We left the best of us behind
    But the victory was on our side...."

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