Inuit Monkeys - Blood Lyrics

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Artist: Inuit Monkeys
Song Title: Blood
Visits: 614
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Billy was just 12 years old
when he tried heroin
he didn't know what he did
but it was cool
The dealer sold his body
Billy didn't care
He is an addicted child
and nobody cares

Get out of hell Billy
This is your own hell Billy
Get out of hell Billy

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Other Inuit Monkeys song Lyrics
  • Get out of Hell
    "I want to say to you, that a stone is in my shoeI want to talk with you, 'cause my notions have become trueI want to have a friend, to go with her until the end
    I don't wanna be perfect, 'cause it's the same effectI know that I have mistakes, and I also crumble with cakesNow I talk with you, about the stone which is in my shoe

  • Monkey in the Mirror
    "In the middle of the night, the moon is shining brightI have seperated feelings, but my brain just sees the real thingsHey, come on and please excuse me, if you don't know how to use meAnd I am still here in the night, but the moon's not giving light
    You only have to look ahead, I'm lying here beside my bedIt's very hard there on the floor, but I can see the open door
    You're just another human, and you don't know if you canCome on and look around you boy and you will see the world's just a toyIf you really want to change it, find your message and then send itBut I'm still here in the night and I see I have no right
    Come on and close your eyes, and do not hear when someone liesYou don't have to look away, but if you want then you can stay

  • No Message
    "In the middle of the night, the moon is shining brightI have seperated feelings, but my brain just sees the real thingsHey, come on and please excuse me, if you don't know how to use meAnd I am still here in the night, but the moon's not giving light
    You only have to look ahead, I'm lying here beside my bedIt's very hard there on the floor, but I can see the open door
    You're just another human, and you don't know if you canCome on and look around you boy and you will see the world's just a toyIf you really want to change it, find your message and then send itBut I'm still here in the night and I see I have no right
    Come on and close your eyes, and do not hear when someone liesYou don't have to look away, but if you want then you can stay

  • Nothing
    "Isn't it good to touch your hand?Isn't it good to understand?
    Isn't it good to whisper the words?Isn't it good to be free as birds?
    Isn't it good to be as one?Isn't it good to sing a song?
    Isn't it good to be your toy?Don't forget I will enjoy.

  • Signs
    "He's rolling in pain, he has no need for greedHe says that fog comes through this dark cloudsHe lets sunbeams control his life
    He says dance or die, he wants to touch the skyHe has got nothing to say, and have you seen his body today

  • The Man About Town
    "It's harder to believe than to give my hearteasier to return than to find my wayYou smell sweet like a rose, I don't think about thoseI can't reach the hope, I forget my hope
    I'm lured into your life, hug my shadow and prepare my deathLight my mind and try to find the way through dark and greyI can't reach the rope, I forget my hope

  • You
    "Nicky's in the corner
    With a black coat on
    Running from a bad home
    With some cat inside..."

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