Invertigo - Desensitized Lyrics

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Artist: Invertigo
Song Title: Desensitized
Visits: 653
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when i reachout, you move away from my hands
you're never telling me why
we make time to spend
time you forget and the days are just passing us by

when i ask you, you never understand it
you don't know what you haven't done
and when i try to explain it, it sounds like a complaint

Is there a fire if you don't see the smoke?
we can't get higher if you don't let it go
how did your heart ever get like that?
how did someone ever hurt so bad?
that you can't see it
you've been kicked inside
you're desensitized
how did you're heart ever get so cold?
how did someone ever get so clos
that you just don't know
how it feels inside
you're desensitized

I wanna believe that it's a phase you go through
that only gets harder to tell
and sometimes I think, it's an easier thing to believe
that there's somebody else

whatever they did / whatever they said
you know it's much better just to run and forget
whatever it was / whoever's to blame
you know you can let yourself be feeling again

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