I.O.S. - Child To Sleep (Rewritten) Lyrics

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Artist: I.O.S.
Song Title: Child To Sleep (Rewritten)
Visits: 654
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Verse 1:
Children raised in Hell,
since their birth.
Neglected, no escape.
Prisoners of Earth.

They protect themselves with flames.
& push their hands into the water.
Putting up with all the pain.
Where has the sun gone?

Can you stop what your stepparents have done?
They think abusive lives are all in fun.
Can you take this nightmare & throw it away?
Can you runaway & save yourself today?
Children treated like a handful of dirt.
Nurtures the ground, but poisons the earth.
Just when it all seems quiet & all pain free.
It's when they put a child, another child to sleep.

Verse 2:
Listen kiddo,
Can you see the light?
These tears injected,
Make 'em lose the fight.

So you set the fire high.
You listen to 'em screaming.
You burn yourself alive.
Freedom's as close as dreaming.


Verse 3:
Blood & pain.
Tears & hurt.
Lying on top of chrome.
Sleet or rain.
Mud or dirt.
Left without a home.
Left here all alone.

So they think we're all just liars.
Makin' stories just to tell.
But the cuts & broken bones.
It is proof we live in Hell

Can you stop what your stepparents have done?
They think abusive lives are all in fun.
Can you take this nightmare & throw it away?
Can you runaway & save yourself today?
Can you prove that we're tortured souls?
In balls & chains, trapped inside a hole.
Just when it all seems quiet & all pain free.
It's when they put a child, another child to sleep.

Child To Sleep (Rewritten) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • Death Over Life
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  • Hold On
    "I'm so smothered, there's no other.
    It's too hard to find any laughter.
    Can you hear me; you're so deceiving.
    After I know you, I stop believing...."
  • Illusioned
    ""I don't want to leave. This place is too peaceful.
    With sunny skies & palm trees & white sand.
    No wait, that kind of place doesn't exist.
    It's all an illusion. I don't want to be here no more!!!!!..."
  • Isurrected
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    You set us straight.
    Or so you say...."
  • ...Show All

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