IQ - The Last Human Gateway Lyrics

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Artist: IQ
IQ Author
Song Title: The Last Human Gateway
Visits: 661
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Across the plateau no clouds storm the sky,
Above the riverbed the world's run dry,
I beat the air, for those who hear,
And through the night my call goes out unheard,
I cry for company and get no word,
The silent groan, God only knows,
I stand alone.

The wind devides the empty shells below,
Deep in the valley night begins to grow,
The memory, the best of me,
From out the shadows something takes my hand,
To lead me homeward through a foreign land,
The silence grown, the palest eyes,
I'm the only one.

A mother's son, a father's pride,
How can I run and where to hide?
I close my eyes and hope tonight,
My healing flesh will be all right;
A baby cries, another ghost,
A different side to claim the most,
My blood gone black and down to dust,
So save my soul or let me die,
I'm still alive.

I'm on the other side,
Shaken down, lovely but cockeyed,
No wonder I feel nervous,
Lord, they don't deserve us anyway.

I want to burn these wings,
You can see how it's happening,
Still they're telling me to smack the enemy,
It's killing time!

I should have known before,
Only bad's half as good as dead,
I can't go any faster, stuck like alabaster,
White as I know.

We stand in lines of old, staying cold,
Swallow all the anger,
Releases get away, coming down,
Across the fields of amber,
To the water, ocean far below.

As the mirror to the sun,
The colour of the evening, never let go,
Hold my stomach, keep it tight,
They're pulling out the breathing, let it go;
If you ever change your mind,
Don't be caught alone, no, it's only me,
With all the hopes and fears combined,
It's hard to care for living anymore,
I wouldn't let you down again.

Inspired by hunger, fired by lust,
I sold the children's faces, painted gold,
Something moving taking hold,

Is gathering but never growing old,
I did everything I could just to say,
Believe me, you're not alone,
But with the winter in my bones,
Oh what else can I do now?
It's only me,
I wouldn't let you down again.

Break back to back lately,
Oh and how they moved when I was
younger than this,
Get my spirit caught beneath the surface,
SDee me play dead today,
I love my daydreams, leave my doldrums,
Armies of priests
All come to practice their party pieces,
Pounding like metal from side to side,
To shoot, to save,
And risk that horizon,
No smoke can shield, it stays unhealed,
Safe in our stillness,
At last we see him rise from out the earth.

I set the silhouette that leaves me scarred,
Lost my condition from the perfect star,
I caught the fire, can't help but see,
There's none to carry on.

I knew these plains before the world was mine,
With no escape in mind, I'll be resigned,
Inside alone, I know for sure,
The future's all gone

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