Irene Cara - Why Me Lyrics

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Artist: Irene Cara
Song Title: Why Me
Visits: 689
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Life felt so right
I was drowned in your light
With the world so in tune
?Til you made me out for a fool

Left with nothing to do
Can?t forget about you
With my heart in my heart
Pack my bags, leave my memories with you

You gave me nothing but misery
I found so much more
You used me oh so helplessly
I don?t want your sympathy

Why me?
Why me?
Why me when I was the one who could set your heart free?

Why me?
Why me?
Why me?
You took all the love I gave up selfishly
Why me?

Trapped in your space
Never thought I could face
Going one step beyond
When I knew deep inside I was strong

Now I know what it takes
Can?t repeat the mistakes
When new love comes along
It?ll give me what I?ll call my own

You gave me nothing but misery
I found so much more
You used me oh so helplessly
I don?t want your sympathy

Why me?
Why me?
Why me when I was the one who could set your heart free

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  • The Dream
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    Just one step behind and then they're gone
    Illusions of love would come and go
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