Iris DeMent - Keep Me God Lyrics

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Artist: Iris DeMent
Song Title: Keep Me God
Visits: 612
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It was a long time ago, I was a girl 'bout 12 years old
on my back staring up into the dark summer sky
when I said, "God, tomorrow I can't see
but I'll stick close to you if you'll stick close to me!"
and that night I prayed "Keep me God! Keep me God."

Now, I don't know just where God lives
ain't all that sure just exactly who God is
I don't know if there's a church
that deserves to take God's name
I just know that when I look around here I see
the hand of someone or something
that is bigger than me
and I call that God
and then I pray "Just, keep me God"

I'm in a plane up in the sky
A storm surrounds us as we fly
and below, the big black ocean is all that I can see
When all at once I realize: Don't really matter if I live or even if I die
Just so long as you keep me God

Now, when my days draw to an end
and I've said goodbye to my family and friends
When the tide that turns my life is standing still
as I turn my final bend, I betcha I'm gonna be asking even then
Keep me God, keep me God, keep me God
Keep me God, keep me God, keep me God

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    Fifteen cars and fifteen restless riders
    Three conductors, twenty-five sacks of mail..."
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    It's gem-set walls of Jasper shine,
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    I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when
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