Irish Folksongs - THE CREGGAN WHITE HARE Lyrics

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Artist: Irish Folksongs
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In the lowland of Creggan there lives a white hare
As swift as the swallow that flies through that air
You may tramp the world over but none can compare
With the pride of low Creggan white hare

One clean autumn morning as you may suppose
The red golden sun o'er the green mountain rose
Barney Conway came down and he did declare
This day I'll put an end to that bonnie white hare

He searched through the lowlands and down through the glens
And among the wild bushes where the white hare had ends
Till at last coming home o'er the heather so bare
From behind a wild thistle jumped out the white hare

Bang bang went his gun and his dog it slipped too
As swift as the wind over the green mountain flew
But the dog soon came back which made poor Barney sigh
For he knew that the white hare had bid him again

We're some jolly sportsmen down here from Pomeroy
From Cookstown, Dungannon and likewise the Moy
With our pedigree greyhound we've travelled afar
And we've come down to Creggan in our fine motor car

Away to the lowlands there huntsmen did go
In search for the white hare they look high and low
Till at last Barney Conway on a bog bank so bare
Shouted out to these huntsmen there lies the white hare

They call up their greyhounds from off the green lea
And Barney and the huntsmen they jumped high with glee
For three on the turf bank all gathered around
Seven dogs and nine men did that poor hare surround

Now wonder the white hare did tremble with fear
As she stood on her toes and would raise her big ears
But she stood on her toes and with one gallant spring
She cleared over the greyhounds and broke through the ring

Well the case i went on 'twas a beauti

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