Irish Rovers - Goodbye Mrs Durkin Lyrics

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Artist: Irish Rovers
Song Title: Goodbye Mrs Durkin
Visits: 964
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Goodbye Mrs. Durkin, I'm sick and tired of workin'.
No more I'll dig your praties, no longer I'll be poor.
As sure as my name is Barney, I'm off to Califarny.
Instead of digging praties, I'll be digging lumps of gold.

In the days when I was courting, I was never tired resorting
To the alehouse and the playhouse, and the other house besides.
But I told my brother Seamus, "I'll be off now and grow famous
And before that I return again, I'll roam the whole world wide."

So, it's goodbye Mrs. Durkin, I'm sick and tired of workin'.
No more I'll dig your praties, no longer I'll be poor.
As sure as my name is Barney, I'm off to Califarny.
Instead of digging praties, I'll be digging lumps of gold.

Well, I've courted girls in Blarney, in Antrim and Killarney,
In Dublin and in Kerry, down to the coves of Cork.
But I'm tired of all this pleasure, so now I'll take my leisure.
And the next time that you hear from me, I'll write you from new York.

So, it's goodbye Mrs. Durkin, I'm sick and tired of workin'.
No more I'll dig your praties, no longer I'll be poor.
As sure as my name is Barney, I'm off to Califarny.
Instead of digging praties, I'll be digging lumps of gold.

When I landed in America, I met a man named Burke.
He told me if I'd stay a while, he'd surely find me work.
But work he didn't find me, so there's nothing here to bind me.
I'm bound for San Francisco, in Califor-ni-yay!

So, it's goodbye Mrs. Durkin, I'm sick and tired of workin'.
No more I'll dig your praties, no longer I'll be poor.
As sure as my name is Barney, I'm off to Califarny.
Instead of digging praties, I'll be digging lumps of gold.

Well, I'm now in San Francisco, and my fortune it is made.
My pockets loaded down with gold, I'll throw away my spade.
I'll go back to dear old Erin, spend my fortune never carin'.
I'll marry Queen Victori', Mrs. Durkin for to spite.

So, it's goodbye Mrs. Durkin, I'm sick and tired of workin'.
No more I'll dig your praties, no longer I'll be poor.
As sure as my name is Barney, I'm off to Califarny.
Instead of digging praties, I'll be digging lumps of gold

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